Saturday, December 28, 2019

Learning Mandarin Chinese Hotel Vocabulary

Major Chinese and Taiwanese hotels almost always have the English-speaking staff to assist travelers from Western countries. Hotels in out-of-the-way tourist destinations, however, may not have anyone available who speaks English, so this list of common hotel vocabulary will help you. Be sure to practice these words and phrases well before your departure date. The hardest part about Mandarin vocabulary is the tones, which can give a word different meanings. The proper use of tones will make your Mandarin easy to understand. Click on the links in the Pinyin column to hear the audio files. English Pinyin Chinese Characters hotel lÇš guÇŽn æâ€"…é ¤ ¨ room fà ¡ng jiÄ n æˆ ¿Ã©â€"“ room with shared bath pÇ”tÃ… ng fà ¡ng æ™ ®Ã©â‚¬Å¡Ã¦Ë† ¿ suite tà  o fang Ã¥ ¥â€"æˆ ¿ single room dÄ n rà ©n fà ¡ng Ã¥â€" ®Ã¤ º ºÃ¦Ë† ¿ double room shuÄ ng rà ©n fà ¡ng é›™ä º ºÃ¦Ë† ¿ deposit yÄ  jÄ «n æŠ ¼Ã©â€¡â€˜ check in bà  o dà  o Ã¥   ±Ã¥Ë† ° stay in a hotel zhà ¹ lÇš guÇŽn ä ½ Ã¦â€"…é ¤ ¨ reserve a room dà ¬ng fà ¡ngjiÄ n è ¨â€šÃ¦Ë† ¿Ã©â€"“ luggage xà ­ng li è ¡Å'æ Å½ parking lot tà ­ngchÄ“ chÇŽng Ã¥ Å"è »Å Ã¥   ´ restaurant cÄ ntÄ «ng é ¤ Ã¥ » ³ front desk fà º wà ¹ tà ¡i æÅ" Ã¥â€¹â„¢Ã¨â€¡ º wake-up call jià  o xÇ ng Ã¥  «Ã©â€ â€™ bath mà ¹ yà ¹ æ ² Ã¦ µ ´ shower là ­n yà ¹ æ ·â€¹Ã¦ µ ´ television dià  n shà ¬ é› »Ã¨ ¦â€" telephone dià  n huà   é› »Ã¨ © ± elevator dià  n tÄ « é› »Ã¦ ¢ ¯ I have a reservation. WÇ’ yà ¹dà ¬ng le. 我é   Ã¥ ®Å¡Ã¤ ºâ€ Ã¯ ½ ¡ I would like a double room. WÇ’ yà  o shuÄ ng rà ©n fang. 我è ¦ Ã©â€ºâ„¢Ã¤ º ºÃ¦Ë† ¿Ã¯ ½ ¡ I would like a room with a†¦ WÇ’ xiÇŽng yà  o yÇ’u†¦ de fà ¡ngjiÄ n. 我æÆ' ³Ã¨ ¦ Ã¦Å"‰â€ ¦Ã§Å¡â€žÃ¦Ë† ¿Ã©â€"“ï ½ ¡ Where is the elevator? Dià  n tÄ « zà  i nÇŽli? é› »Ã¦ ¢ ¯Ã¥Å" ¨Ã¥â€œ ªÃ¨ £ ¡? I would like a wake-up call for (time). QÇ ng (time) jià  o xÇ ng wÇ’. è «â€¹ (time) Ã¥  «Ã©â€ â€™Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¯ ½ ¡ I would like to check out. WÇ’ yà  o tuà ¬ fang. 我è ¦ Ã©â‚¬â‚¬Ã¦Ë† ¿Ã¯ ½ ¡ The bill is incorrect. Zhà  ng dÄ n bà º duà ¬. Ã¥ ¸ ³Ã¥â€" ®Ã¤ ¸ Ã¥ ° Ã¯ ½ ¡

Friday, December 20, 2019

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) - 821 Words

Eisenberg Esser 1997; Moghadm Fagan, 1994 have stated ADHD has gone through a series of names since it was first documented in 1845 including â€Å"restless syndrome,† â€Å"minimal brain dysfunction,† and â€Å"hyperkinetic reaction disorder.† â€Å"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has become the most widely diagnosed psychiatric condition among children in the United States (Glass, 2001).† The CDC’s website digs deep for evidence being presented while gaining emotional appeal for its credibility as a government agency. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), ADHD is classified into three different categories depending on the symptoms of the child. The first presentation is known as â€Å"predominantly inattentive presentation. In†¦show more content†¦The CDC suggests that â€Å"genetics play an important role† (CDC, 2016) in the diagnosis of ADHD thus leading to the pathos of our argument. With that be ing said, â€Å"The CDC is calling on doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals who treat young children with ADHD to support parents by explaining the benefits of behavior therapy and refer parents for training in behavior therapy (Knopf, 2016).† With behavior therapy training, parents are taught by a therapist to help establish skills that will aid in their child’s behavior plan that can be incorporated at home or out in the world (Visser, 2016). â€Å"It is crucial for therapists not to rely on their intuition [and] instead to strictly adhere to defined, established diagnostic criteria (Ainsworth, 2015 p 455).† More often than not, medicines are prescribed to children to aid in their behaviors. Ainsworth (2015, p 456) goes on to mention because there is no cure for ADHD, stimulants such as methylphenidate and amphetamines are prescribed to neutralize ADHD symptoms to â€Å"activate brain circuits that support attention and focused behavior, thus redu cing hyperactivity. These medicines have the capacity of being addicted to and being abused. In a study, Marshall (2000, para 4) found that more than half of the children in the community who were receiving the stimulants did not come close to meeting the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Children with ADHD do not just grow out of the behaviors; most of the time theShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1710 Words   |  7 Pages Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD which is often referred to as childhood hyperactivity, it s a severe and chronic disorder for children. It is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders, and affects 3% to 5% of the school-age population. Boys outnumber girls three or more to one. Children with ADHD can experience many behavioral difficulties that often manifest in the form of inattention, being easily distracted, being impulsive, and hyperactivity. As a result, children withRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1744 Words   |  7 PagesI chose to research Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, otherwise known as ADHD, in culture and child development for the following reasons. First, it is important as educators that we understand the difference between restlessness and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children. Secondly, we must be conscious of the origins of ADHD, how to recognize it, the myths and prejudices against it, and kn ow the most appropriate intervention strategies. Educators must also realize that evenRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1002 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract There are many disorders that are first diagnosed whether it is during infancy, childhood or adolescence. The disorders range from intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, communication disorders, all the way through to elimination disorders. Attention-deficit and disruptive disorders are the most common. All including AD/HD, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and unspecified disruptive disorder. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most commonRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1495 Words   |  6 Pagesoccasionally forget to do their homework, get fidgety when they lose interest in an activity, or speak out of turn during class time. But inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are all signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a neuro-development disorder and can start as early as three years old throughout adulthood. People with ADHD have trouble focusing on tasks and activities, this c an have a negative impact on the individual in different ways. It can make the child feelRead MoreAttention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1699 Words   |  7 Pageshas had some difficulty sitting still, paying attention and even controlling impulsive behavior once or twice in our life. For some people, however, the problems that occur slim to none in our life occurs in the lives of theirs every day and interfere with every aspect of their life inclusive of home, academic, social and work. . The interaction of core ADHD symptoms with co-morbid problems and neuropsychological deï ¬ cits suggests that individuals with ADHD are likely to experience problems in academicRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1058 Words   |  5 Pagesfrom disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (or ADHD/ADD.) While much is known about these disorders and how they affect the education of children, there are only a few known methods that consistently help an affected child focus and target in on what they need to learn. Medication for children With Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder must be used as an aid to help the affected child to focus and comprehend information being presented to them. Children with Attention DeficitRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)1259 Words   |  5 PagesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly found disorder in children in the United States. Statistics show that the male to female ratio for children with ADHD is eight to one. 4.4 million Children between the ages four to seventeen have diagnosed with ADHD (Cheng Tina L et al.). African American children are at a higher risk for having ADHD. Caucasian children are least likely to have ADHD. 2.5 million children receive medication for ADHD, but African American childrenRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1552 Words   |  7 PagesATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER Seth was a second grader at West Elementary. He constantly got reprimanded by his teachers for not paying attention in class. He could not understand the information given to him during the school day. He thought he was stupid and useless. But he was not. His parents got him tested by a doctor for ADHD. He is one of many kids in the United States who have been recognized as having it. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a major issue in the educationRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )978 Words   |  4 Pagesin diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children since the 21st century. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the increase has been seen as a difference from, â€Å"7.8% in 2003 to 9.5% in 2007 and to 11.0% in 2011† (p. 4). Many questions arise concerning why the numbers are on the rise, especially when boys are 7.6 percent more likely than girls to receive the diagnosis of ADHD. When should the line be drawn between a disorder, and hyperactivity that comes withRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay1613 Words   |  7 Pagesgiven out for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. â€Å"An article from prescription provider Express scripts, finds a large overall increase in the number of Americans treated for ADHD there was a 36 percent increase in just five years† (David Muzina, 2014). When statistics like this are seen it is only normal for someone to ask questions. People are becoming curious about the legitimacy of the disorder, and whether or not the treatments being given to the individual are appropriate. ADHD may seem controversial

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Islam and Ramadan Date Variable free essay sample

This article is about religious observances during the month of Ramadan. For the actual calendar month, see Ramadan (calendar month). Ramadan A crescent moon can be seen over palm trees at sunset in Manama, Bahrain, marking the beginning of the Muslim month of Ramadan Observed byMuslims TypeMuslim, cultural Begins1 Ramadan Ends29, or 30 Ramadan DateVariable (follows the Islamic lunar calendar) 2010 date11 August – 10 September 2011 date1–29 August 2012 date20 July-18 August CelebrationsCommunal Iftars ObservancesSawm (fasting), zakat (almsgiving), Tarawih prayer, reading the Quran Related toEid ul-Fitr, Laylat al-Qadr Ramadan (Turkish:Ramazan) (Arabic: Rama? an, Arabic pronunciation: [r? m d n]) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which lasts 29 or 30 days. It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and sexual intimacy with their partners[1] during daylight hours and is intended to teach Muslims about patience, spirituality, humility and submissiveness to God. Muslims fast for the sake of God (Arabic: , trans: Allah) and to offer more prayer than usual. We will write a custom essay sample on Islam and Ramadan Date Variable or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Compared to the solar calendar, the dates of Ramadan vary, moving backwards by about eleven days each year depending on the moon; thus, a person will have fasted every day of the calendar year in 34 years time. Muslims believe Ramadan to be an auspicious month for the revelations of God to humankind, being the month in which the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Impact of the Marketing Environment on Industry

Question: Choose a city (India), and assess the impact of the marketing environment on the industry* in that city. Perform the following: PESTLE, SWOT analysis and comment on the impacts on the marketing environment. Answer: Introduction This report represents the impact of marketing environment on the food industry of Kolkata. Kolkata is a city of India. McDonalds is chosen for this report. It is one of the largest retail chains in food industry of India. McDonalds was founded in the US in 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald. The company operates its business in 130 countries in the world ( 2016). PESTLE Analysis The PESTLE analysis helps to analyze the effects of political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors on any industry. In this context the PESTLE analysis of McDonalds in Kolkata as discussed below. Political: The local political parties play a big role for smooth operation of any businesses in Kolkata. The political turmoil of elections, frequent strikes affect the restaurant and hotel sectors of Kolkata. In this scenario, the political aspects of Kolkata are not favorable for McDonalds to expand its business and increase profitability (Inglis 2015). Economic: Kolkata is a city which consists of middle-class families (Ali and Nath 2013). Apart from that, it has high unemployment rate and tax rates. It affects the profitability of McDonalds. In this context, abundance labor supply and development of upper middle-class society is favorable for the company (Ali and Nath 2013). Social: The people of Kolkata are known as a food lover and people like to eat at restaurants, malls. It is positive for McDonalds as it has food chains and franchises at malls and various populous locations of Kolkata (Inglis 2015). Technological: Technology plays an important factor to maintain efficient supply chain. Kolkata is a tech hub of India (Inglis 2015). Therefore, McDonalds does not face any hurdle in recruiting tech-savvy workforce. The tech savvy population of Kolkata helps the company to promote its business through various social media like Facebook, Twitter and reach out to broad consumer sector (Ali and Nath 2013). Legal: Kolkata has stringent registration procedures for new businesses (Shukla 2014). Apart from that, in Kolkata legal proceedings get delayed due to various reasons. Therefore, the company may face hindrances if it wants to open new franchises or restaurants in Kolkata Environmental: According to Inglis (2015), Kolkata is the commercial hub of West Bengal and the city is connector of Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan. So, it is favorable for the company to promote and operate their business in neighbor countries as well. SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis helps to analyze strength, weakness, opportunity and threat for the business. It is as discussed below. Strength: McDonalds has positioned itself as an international brand. It is located at busy places across Kolkata like shopping malls, airports and popular business and commercial center like Park Street, which are one of the positive marketing aspects for the company (Inglis 2015). Weakness: Fast food is often related to obesity and unhealthy. As result, the marketing initiatives of the company may not appeal to health-conscious consumers. The increased competition also acts as weakness for the company (Inglis 2015). Opportunity: The booming IT sector of Kolkata has increased the purchasing power of young people and it is hopeful for the company. Moreover, the company should invest more in research and development to include more varieties in menu for different demographic segments (Ali and Nath 2013). Threats: People of Kolkata prefer street food. Moreover, increased popularity of KFC, Pizza Hut possesses threat for the company (Inglis 2015). Conclusion The above discussion portraits many political, legal and social issues that can act as hindrance to the profitability of the company. The company faces competition from local and international brands in the food industry in Kolkata. Moreover, its effective marketing strategy and changing purchasing power of people in Kolkata are hopeful for the company. References: Ali, J. and Nath, T., 2013. Factors Affecting Consumers' Eating-Out Choices in India: Implications for the Restaurant Industry.Journal of Foodservice Business Research,16(2), pp.197-209. Inglis, D., 2015. Globalization and food.The Routledge International Handbook of Globalization Studies, p.469. (2016).McDonald's. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Mar. 2016]. Shukla, S., Shankar, R. and Singh, S.P., 2014.Food safety regulatory model in India.Food Control,37, pp.401-413.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Corporate Development During The Industrial Revolution Essays (617 wor

Corporate Development During the Industrial Revolution The Standard Oil Company founded by John D. Rockefeller and the U.S. Steel Company founded by Andrew Carnegie. The Standard Oil Company and U.S. Steel Company were made successful in different ways due to the actions of their different owners. The companies differed in their labor relations, market control, and structural organization. In the steel industry, Carnegie developed a system known as vertical integration. This means that he cut out the middle man. Carnegie bought his own iron and coal mines because using independent companies cost too much and were inefficient. By doing this he was able to undersell his competetors because they had to pay the competitors they went through to get the raw materials. Unlike Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller integrated his oil business from top to bottom, his distinctive innovation in movement of American industry was horizontal. This meant he followed one product through all its stages. For example, rockrfeller controlled the oil when it was drilled, through the refining stage, and he maintained control over the refining process turning it into gasoline. Although these two powerful men used two different methods of management their businesses were still very successful (Conlin, 425-426). Tycoons like Andrew Carnegie, "the steel king," and John D. Rockefeller, "the oil baron," exercised their genius in devising ways to circument competition. Although, Carnegie inclined to be tough-fisted in business, he was not a monopolist and disliked monopolistic trusts. John D. Rockefeller came to dominate the oil industry. With one upward stride after another he organized the Standard Oil Company, which was the nucleus of the great trust that was formed. Rockefeller showed little mercy. He believed primitive savagery prevailed in the jungle world of business, where only the fittest survived. He persued the policy of "ruin or rule." Rockefeller's oil monopoly did turn out a superior product at a relatively cheap price. Rockefeller belived in ruthless business, Carnegie didn't, yet they both had the most successful companies in their industries. (The American Pageant, pages 515-518) Rockefeller treated his customers in the same manner that Andrew Carnegie treated his workers: cruel and harsh. The Standard Oil Company desperately wanted every possible company to buy their products. Standard Oil used ruthless tactics when Rockefeller threatenedto start his own chain of grocery stores and put local merchants out of business if they did not buy oil from Standard Oil Company. Carnegie dealt with his workers with the same cold lack of diplomacy and consideration. Carnegie would encourage an unfriendly competition between two of his workers and he goaded them into outdoing one another. Some of his employees found working under Carnegie unbearable. These rivalries became so important to the employees that somedidn't talk to each other for years (McCloskkey, page 145). Although both Carnegie and Rockefeller created extermely successsful companies, they both used unscrupulous methods in some aspect of their corporation building to get to the top. The success of the Standard Oil Company and U.S. Steel company was credited to the fact that their owners ran them with great authority. In this very competetive time period, many new businesses were being formed and it took talented businessmen to get ahead and keep the companies running and make the fortunes that were made during this period. BIBLIOGRAPHY Conlin, Joseph R. History of the U.S.: Our Land, Our Time. pp. 425-426. 1985. Bailey, Thomas A. and David M. Kennedy: The American Pageant. pp. 515-518. 1987. Latham, Earl: John D. Rockefeller; Robber Baron Or Industrial Statesman? (Problems in American Civilization Series). pg. 39. 1949. McCloskey, Robert Green: American Conservatism In The Age Of Enterprise 1865-1910. pg. 145. 1951. --------------------------------------------------------------

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Homosexuality Essay Example

Argument Essay/ Homosexuality Essay Example Argument Essay/ Homosexuality Essay Argument Essay/ Homosexuality Essay Essay Topic: The Second Sex Argument Essay There are many rights I believe homosexuals should not have. Their life style is an abomination in god’s eyes! The King James Version of the bible says in Leviticus 20:13, If a man also lies with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. It is totally a sin to have sexual relations with the same sex. God intended sex to express love to your mate and reproduce. Because I am a Christian, I am utterly against homosexuality! Public affection, marriage, and adoption dealing with homosexuals also rub me the wrong way. First of all, homosexual public affection is not and should never be considered the norm. As much as society is cooping with this situation, it is not appropriate. There are people who want the world to know how ecstatic they’re to be in a same sex relationship, so they tend to show off. My cousin in-law, who is a lesbian, is not afraid to show her affection to her partner in public. She likes to grope, kiss, and huge all the time. I remember as a child how you only knew homosexuals by word of mouth or by a close friend or family member. I never saw gays or lesbians walking around flaunting their sexuality. They had to be in a secret society that meets in a secret location at a secret time. My mom had a gay friend she grew up with and he never acted as if he was gay in me presents. He talked a little different, like a woman, but he dressed conservative, wearing suits and ties like a man. My mom explained to me how they would have to keep their life styles on the hush, also known as ‘staying in the closet’. This means to keep it a secret. Society back then would not allow such things. Secondly, I believe homosexuals should not be able to get married. Marriage is an honor in the sight of god. I don’t mean to keep throwing my religious opinion in this, but this is what I was raised upon and basically all I rely on. It was made for men and women to share their spiritual enlightment, reproduction, and to have a life time companion. The research shows that Public opinion remains firmly opposed to the redefinition of marriage. A May 2008 Gallup Poll asked the question: Do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognized by the law as valid? Respondents opposed homosexual marriage by a margin of 56 percent (opposed) to 40 percent (agreeing). Respondents to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll in October 2007 rejected same-sex marriage by the same margins. My cousin in-law also got married about three years ago. They had to travel to another state just to get married. The point that I am trying to get across is that if homosexual marriages were meant to be you wouldn’t have to sneak off to do it. It would be legalized through out the world! Third of all, homosexuals adopting kids would subject the children to an unstable environment. Kids at a young age will not understand the situation unless you explain it to them thoroughly. If not, they will always wonder why they have two of the same sex parents. My cousin in-law, who has two kids, also is going through the same thing. She no longer has custody of her children because of her life style. She chose this over her family. Her relationship was more important than her taking care of her kids. So her family saw the neglect and decided to take full custody of the kids. Many homosexuals and their sex partners may sincerely believe they can be good parents. But children are not guinea pigs for grand social experiments in redefining marriage, and should not be placed in settings that are unsuitable for raising children. In conclusion, homosexuals should have limitations to their rights. They should stay in the closet like back in the day. Everyone in society is not okay with homosexuality. This life style is an abomination in god’s eyes. Because of my religion I am against homosexual rights. Public affection, marriage, and adoption dealing with homosexuals, to me, aren’t right! Everyone might not agree with me but this is only my opinion. bible. com/bibleanswers_result. php? id=246 12/01/09 truenews. org/Homosexuality/facts_about_same_sex_marriage. html 12/01/09

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Developing Manager Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The Developing Manager - Assignment Example Instrumentl ledership: when generl rules nd types of behvior re creted where it is written wht is expected from subordintes. Encourgement ledership : is bsed on interpersonl reltionships more thn on orgniztionl processes Prticiptive ledership: implies consulttive pproch to mnging people. Decisions re mde by the group tht is working on certin project. Oriented ledership: is imed t reching success by employees through following the set objectives nd building the trust between employees. ii. pplied knowledge (Your mnger's ledership skill in the orgniztion) I think tht my mnger's ledership skills tht help him to effectively mnge the hotel I work in re s follows: The bility to drw others to them not just becuse they hve vision but becuse they communicte n extrordinry focus of commitment Mening through communiction: mking drems pprent to others nd to lign people with them, leders must communicte their vision. Communiction nd lignment work together. Trust through positioning: Trust is essentil to my orgniztion orgniztions. The mnger mnges trust through relibility. Deployment of self: the mnger knows his skills nd deploys them effectively. The mnger relized tht without mngement of self, he cn do more hrm thn good. c) Evlute communiction processes i. Wht is communiction Communiction is the process of sending nd receiving informtion or communiction with nother person. In simplistic form, informtion is sent from sender or encoder to receiver or decoder. In more complex form feedbck links sender to receiver. This requires symbolic ctivity, sometimes vi lnguge. Communiction development is the development of processes enbling one to understnd wht others sy (or sign, or write) nd spek(or sign, or write), trnslte sounds nd symbols into mening nd lern the syntx of... My orgniztion pplies neither of in-bove described styles. It is rther something in the middle of exploitive - uthorittive nd prticiptive-group which cn be referred to s consulttive. Mngers within my orgniztion hve substntil but not complete confidence nd trust in subordintes, usully try to mke use of subordintes' ides nd opinions, use rewrds for motivtion with occsionl punishment nd some prticiption, engge in communiction flow both down nd up, mke brod policy nd generl decisions t the top while llowing specific decisions to be mde t lower levels nd ct consulttively in other wys. Communiction is the process of sending nd receiving informtion or communiction with nother person. In simplistic form, informtion is sent from sender or encoder to receiver or decoder. In more complex form feedbck links sender to receiver. This requires symbolic ctivity, sometimes vi lnguge. Communiction development is the development of processes enbling one to understnd wht others sy (or sign, or write) nd spek(or sign, or write), trnslte sounds nd symbols into mening nd lern the syntx of the lnguge. Communiction is bsed on the ide of respect, promises nd the wnt for socil improvement. Nonverbl communiction dels wit

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ancient Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ancient Art - Essay Example It is only proper to acknowledge that pyramid of Giza as being among the seventh wonder of the world because of the fact that it’s the largest and oldest among the three other pyramids found in El Giza, Egypt. The pyramid of Giza stands more than 481 feet, the tallest structure built by human in the 2560 BC remained so for the next 3000 years, the world wonder form adopts a trapezoid structure made of massive stones and rocks with an outer surface. The pyramid major purpose was to host the mummies of the pharaoh and the wife to the pharaoh on the upper deck with the servants on the lower part of the pyramid. Chapter 4 (Cycladic art ) Cycladic art entails the visual aspect of art best representing the ancient Cycladic civilization that was present in the time frame of 2000 to 3300 BCE. The Cycladic persons were believed to be part of Aegean cultures (Kleiner 34). The Cycladic art form of sculptures is still embraced to the present time as evident with the exhibition in the Cycl adic sculptures in the National Archeological Museum of Athens. The Harp Player is an example of popular sculptures under the Cycladic art because it entailed using marble to create sculpture in the Greece period. Majority of the art forms depicting the female human form with nice geometric qualities. Chapter 5 (Kritios boy) Kritios Boy is an Ancient Greek sculpture that was found in the ceremonial dump that destroyed sacred artifacts and debris was buried especially after the invasion of the Persian army in 480 BC (Kleiner 123).

Monday, November 18, 2019

Plastic Bag Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Plastic Bag - Essay Example In her book called Everything Is a Human Being, Alice Walker states, â€Å"While the earth is enslaved, none of us is free’’ (Walker 666). Accordingly, she suggested so long as the earth suffers, then each and every person, together with other living creature will suffer.As such, it is therefore essential for us to take actions to protect the Earth. To reverse the gains made in polluting the earth, a piece of legislation was enacted in August 2014. The law induced a ban on all plastic bags mostly used to pack commodities in chain retail stores was enacted. California was the first state to put to work the legislation. In this case, a large number of stalls complied with the directive. The bill,accented by Governor Jerry Brown, will be valid from July 1, 2015. Consumers are not able to get normal commodities in plastic bags in accordance with the provisions. The ban on the aforementioned traders has will soon trickle to other small scale traders such as convenience stores and other small food retailers after one year. the use plastic bag has been discredited for causing economic losses, damages the environment and ecosystem, and is harmful to human health, the authority will continue to engage in the throughout the united states since the use of plastic bags It is estimated that each and every American uses one plastic paper per day. As such, apart from the use of plastic bags by traders, the law also focuses on activities around producing plastic bags and dealing plastic bags trash involve high economic cost that add burden to the society. In addition, we regular reuse our plastic bags, we just throw them as a trash after one-time use.Approximately $10 million of the New York City money goes to send 100 thousand tons of plastic bags that are dumped as general trash in the landfill of South Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania every year. According to the deputy commissioner in charge of satiation in New York states that, â€Å"Plastic shopping bags are an

Friday, November 15, 2019

Practical Application Of Lewins Force Field Analysis Change Model Nursing Essay

Practical Application Of Lewins Force Field Analysis Change Model Nursing Essay The aim of this paper is to to describe practical application of Lewins (1951) force field analysis change model in reducing Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients length of stay (LOS) in a Tertiary Care University Hospital. Introduction: This paper reports on a change from 6.5 days to 4 days reduction in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients length of stay (LOS) in a Tertiary Care University Hospital. The change was embedded with systemic assessment, planning and implementing standardized strategies for all ICU long stay patients and finally evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of ICU bed utilization with multidisciplinary team approach. Change is inevitable for the reason that it ingrained human lives, core processes and system reforms. Day by day many changes have been observed in health care; associated with disease processes explicitly from prevention to rehabilitation, health care norms and nomenclature, infra structures modifications, policy matters, reengineering and system transformation. Different components of health care depends on one another for assembling such changes in order to produce work like from providers to payers, hospitals to suppliers, education to regulatory bodies and research to professional associations; all these are interlinked to perform function. Many of the above stated happening are planned however at times nature takes its own turn to act as a catalyst for change for example natural occurrences like tsunami, some crucial system analysis like break through reports from Institute of Medicine (IOM) on patient safety and the quality of care provided to all the health care customers. Th ese were just simple examples of revolutions in health care taken place on an ongoing basis. Traditionally it is believed that changes are always for the betterment however at times it has been observed that this phenomenon is proven to be cynical and challenging especially when it is not made in a haphazard manner, without pursuing change management principles. Addressing the challenge of change Fetherston (2009) stated that: Managing changing in the health care setting is always challenging, especially when it involves transforming entrenched habits grounded in professional expectations (p.2581). Despite change involves resources like human, material and cost and therefore whatever is proposed for change need to be evaluated for its effectiveness and efficiency, applicability, and consequences. It also depends on the team we are working with and there are times when the team building is so strong and the communication between the team is such that adopting to a new concept is very easy versus if the team members are not on same wavelength and have a lot of differences of opinions failure to reach to a simple consensus. Coch and French (1948) concluded that rate of recovery when learning a new task is directly proportional to the amount of participation. To improve understanding of change dynamics Armenakis and Harris (2011) recommends that readiness for change is distinguished from resistance to change and readiness is described in terms of the organizational members beliefs, attitudes, and intentions. Change agent is a very important contributor to make change happen constru ctively and productively. The personal and professional characteristics, interpersonal competency all these aspects are dependent to an outcome of change. Another factor involved in change process seems to be very crucial is the timeframe require for change. Is it a short term or a long run change which is going to measure and monitor, what about the sustainability of the proposed change etc. In order to have successful change Kotter and Schlesinger (2008) recommends and put idea in practice (Appendix) and suggested that analyze situational factors, determine the optimal speed of change, and consider methods for managing resistance (p1, 2). According to Lippincott-Raven Publishers 1986 Crucial to facilitating change is selecting a strategy that is likely to produce the desired change with minimal time and resistance. Background In todays health care setting, organizational change is essential for growth and development to keep up with the market competition Although health care continues to be enmeshed with ongoing challenges of cost, technologies, access to health care, human resources, quality inconsistent with an arena where error rates are too high there are multiple growing opportunities to improve client care management and service delivery components. Changes have been observed in clinical practice based on evidence based research resulting in application of new technology, diagnostics, drug regimes, treatment profile, care monitoring and finally the patient outcomes. All these are direct provision to a customer and perhaps if we look at the wider base it heavily involves all support functions available for patient care and employees of the organization. How all these are managed with patient flow and activities? Who is accountable? Change has both individual and institutional significance; and addre ssing its importance Watwood et al. (1997) shared that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦changes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ bring opportunity for personal and institutional growth and development (p 162). When it comes to an institutional change; it has emphasized that it should complement the philosophy, mission and vision of the organization. Therefore Heller Arozullah (2001) identified four key factors for successful program development and achievement and those were: aligning the program with the strategic goals of the organization; obtaining active senior leadership commitment, including allocated resources; securing the appropriate infrastructure to facilitate integration of recommended actions into daily practice; and setting up systematic communications with all involved stakeholders (p551) Several challenges exists in system when it comes to a revolution however factors define by Heller Arozullah (2001) would help in embarking change in a more structured manner. ICU is a consolidated area of a hospital where patients with life-threatening illnesses or injuries receive round the clock specialized medical and nursing care. Intensive care is one of the hospitals most complex and expensive medical systems. As medical care has improved, the type of patients treated in critical care units has changed from those with acute illnesses to those suffering from complications of chronic diseases. While better technology and better ways of taking care of patients has improved longevity and general health, the patients in the intensive care units of hospitals are getting sicker and globally these beds have a high demand based on the critical needs of patients and it doubles the need in an arena where these resources are very scare and inadequate This would augment medical care required, cost of care and excess use of resources when they are not required. Long stays in the intensive care unit are associated with high costs and burdens on patients and patien ts families and in turn affect society at large. Williamss (2010) states that: It has been estimated that between 2% and 11% of critically ill patients require a prolonged stay in ICU, accounting for 25-45% of total ICU days, and a significant proportion of resources(p 459) The cost of caring for patients in ICUs in the United States has been estimated to account for 1% to 2% of the gross national product shared by (Miller et al. 2000, Seeman David 2004) ) whereby Haugh (2003) stated that 15% to 20% of US hospital costs represents 38% of total US healthcare costs. According to Miller et al. (2003) the total number of hospitals, hospital beds, and inpatient days decreased during the years 1985 to 2000, the number of critical care beds and days in critical care increased dramatically during the same period Whereby Stricker et al (20037) found that only 11% of patients admitted to the ICU stayed for more than 7 days, these patients used more than 50% of ICU resources. Furthermore, in several studies (cited in Ryan et al 1997, Wong et al 1999) the mortality of patients with ICU admissions lasting 14 days or longer was estimated to be nearly 50%. Rosenberg et al. (2001) shared that Mortality rates are higher in ICU than in any other area of the hospital due to the complexity of patients medical condition. Fakhry et al (1996) found that 70% of patients with stay longer than 2 weeks reported less than 50% functional recovery. Esserman e t al (1995) found that 32% of ICU resources were spent caring for patients who survived less than 100 days after discharge from the hospital. In a tertiary care university hospital where I am presently working patients were found to be stuck in the ICU and have longer stays and in the month of January 2009 it was found to be 8.4 days and subsequently in the following quarter 1 it was 6.5 days (refer appendix 1). When explored, multiple factors aroused (refer appendix 2) and therefore to address this concern a multidisciplinary team was formed. It was proposed to undertake the work of reducing patients length of stay in ICU and therefore it the goal was to reduce patients length of stay from 6.5 days to 5.5 days in the second quarter for the year 2009. Rogers and Shoemaker (1971) framework was used to appraise the various component of the proposed change in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses.  Team assessed its relative advantages to current situation and felt that it is worth spending the time and effort for the given scenario, change seems to be appropriate and compatible with existing philosophy of the clinical area, easy to be understood and applicable by all bedside staff. Moreover the project was trialable to a pilot    before going the whole way and relevant to organizational goals. Discussion Changes will continue as an adaptation and at times mandatory in order to survive. Lot of literature is available when it comes to the change management in health care setting. There are models available to address organizational change, system revolution, and human transformations which address many other aspects of successful implementation of reforms. Change process follows the same course as of nursing process and problem solving approaches. According to Christensen a Christensen b (2007) Lewins (1951) theory of transitional change is the most used form of change implementation strategies. The change we were supposed to undertake; this theory appeared to address many aspects of it and therefore the mechanism for identifying the social system within organization for selecting, developing and implementing the strategies to serve as a solution was done by application of this model. According to course notes Lewins widely cited, classic model of the change process, the three changes are: Unfreezing, where faced with a dilemma or disconfirmation the individual becomes aware of the need to change; changing where the situation is diagnosed and new models of behaviour are explored and tested and finally, refreezing where the application of new behaviour is evaluated and adopted. (p53) Huber (2006) states that: The basic concept of the change process was outlined by Lewin A successful change involves three elements: unfreezing, moving and refreezing. (p810) Fetherston (2009) emphasized the importance of major change like this and endorsed that: Where a major change is implemented, models such as Lewins (1951) model of unfreezing, changing and refreezing can be a useful guide Baulcomb (2003) states that This theory places emphasis on the driving and resisting forces associated with any change, and to achieve success the importance lies with ensuring that driving forces outweigh resisting forces. Driving forces tend to initiate change or keep it going whereas restraining forces act to restrain or decrease the driving forces. The intention to reach a state of equilibrium (p277). Unfreezing Lewins change approach fall within three steps and this is the first one where the process of thawing out the system to create motivation for change. Its like getting the team warming up to play their cards; getting everybody on the same wavelength and organizing. Huber (2006) shared that the first stage is cognitive exposure to the change idea, diagnosis of the problem, and work to generate alternative solutions. (p811). Though it was a great challenge for the team however the process of systemic assessment and unfreeze stabilizing the team readiness was initiated for the said change. Different strategies were brain stormed in a multidisciplinary team.ICU patients length of stay was gathered prospectively. Potential predictors were analyzed for possible association with prolonged ICU stay. Driving and restraining forces were studied (Appendix ) Moving Then we proceeded with the second stage of Lewins theory i.e., moving and changing. It involves moving a target system to a new level maintaining equilibrium; viewing the problem from a new perspective, situation is diagnosed and new models of behaviour. This stage was determine through formation of ICU long stay committee with terms of reference, notification of long stay patients stayed in ICU for more than 7days or earlier if deemed necessary to all concerned, holding meeting with primary team everyday to discuss next course of action, identification of patients difficult to wean, patient requiring early tracheotomy to maximize discharge process, initiating daily rounds by multidisciplinary team with primary team. Furthermore, introducing expected admission discharge time (EADT) to facilitate bed identification. According to Hoda (2008) length of stay (LOS) may be influenced by the availability of appropriate high dependency units to discharge patients. Review on daily basis the n eed for bed for inpatients and emergency. Admission /discharge policy was reinforced through multidisciplinary approach. Alternate accommodation in other units like CICU and CCU which has same bed accessories and uniform care provision were identified. Early tentative beds are booked in wards before rounds in order to facilitate early bed arrangement and patient transfer. Refreezing The final stage is refreezing. In this stage new developments are incorporated and improvements are made to stabilize the selected strategies to ensure the sustainability of the project. Daily check at unit and divisional level by bed management coordinator and ICU team. Monitoring on shift bases by charge nurses and nursing supervisors. Interventions involving palliative care, ethics consultations, and early decision about patient transfer and orders writing, family willingness and readiness and other methods to increase communication between healthcare personnel, patients, and patients families were helpful in decreasing length of stay in the intensive care unit. Thus, interdisciplinary communication played a vital role in improving ICU patients LOS whereby its importance is being defined by Pronovost et al (2003) and point out that communication failures lead to increased patient harm, length of stay (LOS), and resource use (p71). Hence to a major extent the daily communication st rategy worked out very well and the team was successful to bring about this change. ICU length of stay was 6.5 days in quarter one and it was reduce to 5.6 days in the second quarter for the year 2009 and consequently to 4.8 and 4 day in third and fourth quarter of 2009. Fetherston (2009) stated that: When change is managed in systematic steps with adequate evaluation and communication throughout the process, it is more likely to result in successful outcomes. (p 2582) Evaluating the Change Project s took place and was received very positively. Following are the most important attributes I have experienced for this successful change like it was logical, efficient, and planned not haphazard then it was based on explanation of reason for a change so that individuals understand it. After that it was very informative and staff supported change when they were involved in assessment and planning. Change agent interpersonal competency and expertise (knowledgeable) of the given task was outstanding and hence the monitoring feedback on timely basis -to ensure that all team members is on same wave length wa carried out in a very sposticated manner.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

ANABOLIC STEROIDS :: essays research papers

Anabolic steroids are drugs containing, or hormone-like substances, that are used to increase strength and promote muscle growth. They were first developed in the 1930s in Europe to treat undernourished patients and to promote healing after surgery. Competitive weightlifters began using steroids in the 1950s as a way to increase their athletic performance. Use gradually spread throughout the world among athletes in other has been estimated that at least one in 15 male high school seniors in the United States--more than a half-million boys--has used steroids. Some are athletes attempting to increase their strength and size; others are simply youths attempting to speed up their growth to keep pace with their peers. In some countries, anabolic steroids are available over the counter. In the United States, a doctor's prescription is necessary. While the effects of steroids can seem desirable at first, there are serious side effects. Excessive use can cause a harmful imbalance in the body's normal hormonal balance and body chemistry. Heart attacks, water retention leading to high blood pressure and stroke, and liver and kidney tumors all are possible. Young people may develop and a halting of bone growth. Males may experience shrinking testicles, falling sperm counts, and enlarged prostates. Women frequently show signs of masculinity and may be at higher risk for certain types of and the possibility of birth defects in their children. The psychological effects of steroid use are also alarming: drastic mood swings, inability to sleep, and feelings of hostility. Steroids may also be psychologically addictive. Once started, users, particularly athletes, enjoy the physical "benefits" of increased size, strength, and endurance so much that they are reluctant to stop even when told about the risks. Major athletic compet itions, including the Olympics, routinely screen athletes to prevent steroid use.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Jim Morrison by Kelly Larson Essay

Jim Morrison by Kelly Larson 1943-1971 There are many figures in music that make them a household name, Jim Douglas Morrison, the lead singer of The Doors a popular rock group in the late 60’s who died at a very young age, has made him just this. Jim Morrison was in the only extremely progressive rock bands of that time, experimenting with synthesizers, and new ways to play the otherwise boring guitar; this band the doors was truly something else. Many people thought that Jim was a genius others thought he was a fool. He had very public arrest and court trail about exposing himself to a crowd in 1969 raised increasing questions about his actual death in 1971. Jim Morrison set new ways to write music and poems for the new avant-garde generation that would follow in the years to come. He would inspire some of the most successful musicians many years after his death. In death Jim was perceived more than just a rock star he was now a legend. Jim Douglas Morrison was born on December 8th, 1943 in Melbourne Florida, what is now cape Kennedy naval base. Jims father Steve Morrison was from Florida; in high school he was a gymnast and a cheerleader. He entered the Second World War but never actually fought. He met Jims mother Clara in Honolulu Hawaii in 1941, at a naval dance. Clara was Steves opposite; he was conservative she was liberal. Soon after they met they married in that same year. After they were married Steve was taught how to fly, he would regularly fly over the pacific. In 1943 Jim was born in one of many naval bases were he and Clara stayed. After the war ended he returned home to Clearwater Florida, to live nearby his parents and Jim grandparents who were extremely republican and average churchgoers. Lifestyle for Jims early life was hectic they moved frequently a typical military lifestyle; over the point of five years after Jim was born the Morrisions had two more children besides Jim. Although Jim always said his parents and siblings were dead in many interviews they were very much alive at that time. They lived in Washington D.C, and Florida to California. When Jim was five years old he was in a car traveling along with relatives along the highway near Albuquerque and Santa Fe, Jim had a life changing experience. Jim grandmother Caroline said â€Å"We came upon an accident Indians were wailing And crying. Later we thought it was very unusual Because we  thought Indians didn’t cry. We thought They were more stoic than that. Jimmy was very Much affected he wanted to do something. We Stopped lance (her husband), jimmy wanted To do more. He was upset, his father finally Had to say, jimmy you dreamed it didn’t happen. It’s not true; you just had a bad dream. Source 1-P.34 Jim said when they stopped the car dying Indians became reincarnated into his young body. This would forever change Jim Morrison life. He began to take up writing and art when he was seven. Then when he entered junior high he was exposed to new films that blew his mind. Then in 1957, in Alameda California Jim started high school He excelled in writing and art not a surprise to people who knew him. Many teachers noticed how bright Jim was beyond his years. Jim read everything he could get his hands on. Halfway between his sophomore year the Morrisons moved to Alexandria, Virginia. Jim enrolled in George Washington high school; a segrated upper middle class school. Jim began pulling himself into cartooning and writing. He had a girlfriend named Tandy that year, who lived houses three houses down who was extremely tormented by him, but it kept on her toes and it made her like him. He would say things to shock and embarrass her. Jim had his own room in the basement; he painted, self-portraits, and impressionistic paintings. He filled up notebooks with poems and songs, some songs that were later used with his work with The Doors a band he would later be the singer in. Jim took a IQ test in high school were he scored a 149, but he got b’s in high school because he didn’t care about his grades. Shortly after he graduated from high school Jim broke up with Tammy, and he packed up and enrolled in St Petersburg junior in Clearwater Florida living with his grandparents. When college started Jim began to get severely into alcohol. After one year, passing all of his classes he decided to enroll to Florida State to pursue majoring in theater arts. Jim made very big impressions on everyone he would meet. Jim over the summer retuned to California where his parents and siblings were living since Jim left for college. He fought with his parents that summer beca use he wanted to live with them but they didn’t want him to but he did anyway and he enrolled in UCLA. He began to take classes in filming and directing, there thinking it would be something he wanted to do. In fact Jim began involved more into the â€Å"party scene† than his studies, he got a D on his  first film and it crushed his dreams of begin a filmmaker. During this time he began to write various poems that would become The Lords and New Creatures book. During one of his random parties he met a musician named Ray Manzarek, a man in a jazz band that Jim liked. Jim told everyone he knew he was going to New York after college to be a poet, after college barely graduating Jim didn’t know what to do. Many nights he would spend his night sleeping on rooftops and the beach in California. One day in the august after school got out Ray ran into his friend Jim Morrison and asked him what he’s been doing, Jim said he was writing. Ray asks him to read or sing something he’s written Jim sings off key the song â€Å"moonlight drive† a popular Doorsâ€℠¢ song, that would in fact make them famous but they didn’t know that yet. Ray immediately asks Jim if he wanted to start a band with him, Jim agrees. They begin to start this new band with Ray’s two brothers; they name the band The Doors after the book The Doors of Perception. Often very nervous on stage Jim just stood there and didn’t sing very well. After they thought the band wasn’t going anywhere rays brothers lefthe band. Ray and Jim met john Densmore, a drummer Who’s off beat style intrigued Jim and Ray, and then they met Robby Krieger a guitarist in a jazz band at the time, they immediately asked him to join the band. They lacked a bassist but when they had practiced Ray and Jim decided they didn’t need one. They began to play shows and Jims stage freight began to go away faster and faster. They released a demo with 4 songs on a 45-rpm. They began to become known as part of the California scene, along with the grateful dead and Jefferson airplane. They began to be a house band for the whisky A-go-go, a popular nightclub. They also were signed to Columbia records, although they would never released anything on that label. One night when the doors were playing at the whisky Jim began to sing something he wrote that shocked many people in that building. In the song â€Å"the end† a song about the end of a relationship, Jim whispered † Father, yes son. I wanna kill you mother I wanna â€Å"ck you.† source 1, page 70. The doors were immediately fired from the whisky but a reporter wrote about it in the local paper and people were buzzing about the performance for weeks. Columbia records had dropped the band; The Doors thought this was the end for them. In fact it was the only the beginning. The Doors were signed to Electra records, two weeks after Columbia had dropped them. The Doors began recording their first album with  producer Paul Rothchild but many songs were left on the cutting board because they were not needed. Jim never wore shoes when he was recording; the studio was always lit in candles. They recorded their first album The Doors in two weeks. Never knowing it would be a complete success and put them into the media spotlight. After The Doors album was relased it had critical success and the fans were buying it, Jim was instantly a sex symbol. Their first single â€Å"Light My Fire† hit number 1, though it was 6 minutes long. The doors had become popular, after a year of touring and publicity, once appearing on the Ed Sullivan show, but not invited back because Jim sang a line he agreed he wouldn’t sing before they went on. They began to record their second album Strange Days, this album would become another hit. Touring had become a big part of Jim met a girl name Pam Zuribca also became a part of his life; he met Pam after a show. They began a long-term relationship. She once said once that Jim was her soul mate. The Doors began to record their third album Waiting For the Sun, Jim began to capture more of his personal side as he called himself â€Å"The Lizard King’, the album did increasingly well again even thought the album was hard to understand but the fans still bought the records then they released The Soft Parade. Often drunk or high Jim on stage would fall or stumble he had slurred speech or wouldn’t sing their popular songs. One night John said he was fed up with the band and said he was quitting but then showed up for practice the next day. The Doors were getting the reputation of an extremely rowdy band that couldn’t be controlled sometimes. Some of the doors fans were teenyboppers who just didn’t get the music they just knew they wanted Jim. Frustrated Jim said he was leaving the band; ray talked him into staying another six months. Jim had always wanted to be a poet he got to live out that fantasy by publishing a book called The Lords and New Creature Poems, which was originally started in high school. As Jim Morrison began to slip deeper and deeper into drugs and alcohol, the band continued to soar â€Å"touch me† a song from the soft parade reached number one in the untied states. In 1969 the doors went into the studio to record Morrison hotel, often very stoned Jim usually didn’t know what he was singing, The Doors and their producer Paul Rothchild got more and more fed up with the band, eventually leaving. Jim’s appearance had changed drastically, he was no  longer the tall thin sex symbol he was a fat guy with a beard, this scared away The Doors’ teenybopper fans. With this tour there would become a disaster Jim often was too drunk to even sing falling on stage like a clown. One night in Miami Jim in a drunken rage continued to say the f word on stage when a police officer threatened him he would go to jail if he used it again. Jim began to ask the audience if they would like to see his penis, the crowd went wild. There was a flash some say he flashed others say he didn’t. Jim was taken into police custody; The Doors were now banned in 6 states. Jim was arranged in October 1970, on the counts of lewd behavior, indecent exposure, public drunkenness, and open profanity, this was a media event, and Jim was proven guilty on all counts. He wasn’t going to be sentenced till the spring of 1971. The doors still released one more album with Jim Morrison L.a. Woman; the album came out in the summer of 1970. Jim said he was quitting The Doors and fled to Paris with Pam, Pam and Jim were never married though. He became exiled, lost weight and shaved his beard. These not known to him would be his last days. Though many people still don’t know if Jim Morrison really died of a heart attack on July 3, 1971 because only one doctor and Pam actually saw his body there was no autopsy. Could Jim still be alive, to escape his future jail time, or did he really die that day in a bathtub of a heart attack. Shortly after Jim died Pam died also of a heroin overdose. Jim has truly been missed, even though his music remains extremely influential today. His music and poetry will live on forever.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Internships That Let You Travel The World

The Internships That Let You Travel The World Most interns slave away in an office, 40 hours a week, filing and fetching coffee. Some travel the world. It isn’t the easiest sort of gig to find, but it is out there. Cruise the Seas for CashFor example, Royal Caribbean UK Ireland are currently searching for a summer intern- an Instagram user, age 21 or older, who wants to sail the seas this summer- on them! See Beijing, New York, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Barcelona†¦. And you’ll earn money:  £3,000, which is about $3,700.All you need to do is own a smartphone and have a demonstrable ability to â€Å"capture stunning views, extraordinary experiences, beautiful sunsets and amazing stories on social media†- and be savvy with all 23 filters.If this sounds like the job for you, you’d be looking at perks like water slides and ice cream buffets, not to mention swimming pools and tons of other free things.Get Paid to ChugIf you get seasick, however, you could consider another wildly exciting int ernship- this one drinking beer. World of Beer is looking for interns to travel the world and†¦ drink beer. Imagine a tour of the best beer-drinking cities in the world, and you sampling their finest wares.This internship actually pays $12,000. So you can make more than your roommate who’s working for Merrill Lynch for nothing. You’ll have to really really like beer, but if you have the requisite passion, you just might have it made.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Difference Between an Informative Essay and a Descriptive Essay

The Difference Between an Informative Essay and a Descriptive Essay The Difference Between an Informative Essay and a Descriptive Essay Essays help gauge a writer’s understanding of a topic, and many teachers require students to submit them as part of their academic curriculum. Essays can improve both written and communication skills, improving a person’s spelling and grammar. In an academic setting, informative essays are usually the most likely to be assigned. However, they are often confused with descriptive essays; both communicate with their audience. Read on to understand the difference between an informative essay and a descriptive essay: Informative Essay This is a piece of writing that educates the reader about a specific topic. An informative essay takes a neutral stand, much like a journalism piece. It doesn’t present arguments or try to persuade the reader to change their opinions or beliefs. It presents facts. Descriptive Essay A descriptive essay gives the readers a vivid depiction of a person, event, object, or place. A good descriptive essay is not necessarily based on statistics and facts, but on an artistic representation of a specific topic. The goal is to give the reader a well-rounded impression of what you are trying to convey. How to Tell the Difference While it may seem difficult to differentiate between an informative essay and a descriptive one, they each have distinctive features: An informative essay is focused on research-based facts and statistics, while a descriptive essay allows the writer more artistic freedom of expression. An informative essay is strictly objective, while a descriptive essay may depend on the perception of the writer. For example, if you’re writing about about the history of Niagara Falls, it would be considered an informative essay. On the other hand, writing about the beauty of the Falls would be considered a descriptive piece. Essay-writing Tips Choose your topic When considering your essay topic, choose a subject you find interesting. A topic that is either too broad or difficult to cover may not be a good choice. Instead, narrow your subject to address a specific question or issue. This also keeps readers engaged and helps them understand what you’re trying to convey. Stay faithful to the essay type Knowing the difference between an informative and descriptive essay will help you comply with the assignment, ensuring that you have a greater understanding of the essay’s ultimate goal. When writing an informative essay, stick to well-researched facts. Review whether the sources you cite are reliable. When writing a descriptive essay, be creative with the words you use. Be mindful that everything is written correctly: review grammar, spelling, and word usage. Incorporate the five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch) when writing your descriptive piece. Edit your work more than once Your first draft will not be perfect, and that’s okay. Reread your piece and determine how it can be improved. You may wish to ask a trusted friend, fellow student, or loved one to go over what you’ve written to help determine areas that need strengthening. Some students find essay writing difficult, but when you’ve done your research and have chosen a topic that interests you, it can be enjoyable and informative. offers assistance with essay writing at any level.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Essay Example Elizabeth Stanton was born in 1815 in New York. She received the best education that was available during the time, in an academy but had regrets for not getting full- fledged college education. She got drawn to her husband to be who was a player in politics as well as reform, the world she was much more interested in. After marriage in the 1840, both had their honeymoon in London where they had to attend the antislavery convention of the world. It is in this convention where Mrs. Stanton met Lucretia Mott, who was a leading female abolitionist in America and they started studying the Anglo American women’s rights traditions. The efforts of Elizabeth Cady Stanton assisted in bringing about the 19th amendment eventual passing, which made it possible for every citizen to possess a voting right (A+E NETWORKS, 2015). In the year 1848, Elizabeth Stanton assisted in the organization of the world’s first rights convention of women, with her counterpart Susan Antony. Mott became reluctant but Mrs. Stanton persisted on inclusion of woman suffrage right in the in the convention’s resolutions. Cady Stanton came to meet the lady by the name Susan Antony in the year 185i, ad both of them created a long life partnership on the basis of their dedication to liberation of women.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Child Psychopathology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Child Psychopathology - Research Paper Example They are not able to manage the tasks of everyday life and cannot complete work which requires concentration. Children cannot perform very well at school as well and later in life they have difficulties in getting into relationships. Trauma to the brain by accidents and falls as well as exposure to chemicals such as lead during prenatal and early years of life can be counted as causes leading to this disease. Genetic factors also pose as a risk for it. Consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and other chemicals which affect the development of the brain can also create a risk for the infant to suffer from ADHD. A healthy atmosphere at home and educated parents can decrease the risk of developing this psychiatric condition. These people find it very difficult to cope up with the everyday activities and their weaknesses make them susceptible to develop addictions which include alcohol consumption and abuse of the prescription medications as well as other stimulants like caffeine and nicotine . Body: Being focused on to the important aspects of life is one of the main functions of the brain. In some diseases or disorders this special function of the brain is either lost or diminished. One such disorder which diminishes the functions of the brain is the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ... vention has also indicated that 8 million children in the United States between the age of 3 to 17 years have been diagnosed by this condition and 11% of the diagnosed cases are boys whereas 4.8% of the diagnosed cases are girls. Thus this disease is more common among children and it has a higher rate of occurrence in boys than in girls. Attention Deficit Disorder is a neuropsychiatric condition in which an individual is not able to concentrate or focus on a single aspect for a longer time. This leads to a lack of attention and it affects activities of an individual in everyday life. This disorder has a genetic predisposition as well as environmental factors play a role in it. Neurotransmitters which help in transmitting signals to and from the neurons are usually affected in this type of disorder which usually affects the chemical functions of the brain. Thus injuries to brain and chemicals which affect brain functioning can result in this disorder. A child who has close relatives a nd siblings suffering from ADHD is at a high risk of developing this condition. As already indicated by the statistics of the Center for Disease Control and prevention boys possess a risk of developing this disorder and they possess a more than two time greater risk of this illness. Damage to the brain through direct brain injury also makes a child more susceptible to have ADHD. Pregnant women, who consume alcohol, smoke and are exposed to other toxins like lead and chemicals that create hindrances in normal brain development may give birth to children possessing very high risks to suffer from this psychiatric condition. Not only this but also children who are exposed to harmful chemicals such as lead are also more vulnerable. This is because these chemicals prevent the normal growth of the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analytic Interpretation of The Love Song by J.Alfred Prufrock Essay

Analytic Interpretation of The Love Song by J.Alfred Prufrock - Essay Example Therefore, the ultimate thrust of this research will be to draw inference on and summarize the means, whereby symbolism is adequately and effectively employed within the poem by underscoring the means by which it is utilized within a brief stanza. For purposes of the analysis, the following stanza has been selected for the close reading: And would it have been worth it, after all, After the cups, the marmalade, the tea, Among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me, Would it have been worthwhile,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  90 To have bitten off the matter with a smile, To have squeezed the universe into a ball To roll it toward some overwhelming question, To say: â€Å"I am Lazarus, come from the dead, Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all†Ã¢â‚¬â€   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  95 If one, settling a pillow by her head,   Ã‚  Should say: â€Å"That is not what I meant at all;   Ã‚  That is not it, at all.† (Eliot 2) Within the time that was writ ten, Eliot was not alone in seeking to display and symbolize a level of fragile broken humanity. Although it is not the purpose of this brief analysis to go into a great detail as for the level of influence that the First World War and a clean break from prior Victorian restrictions on nearly every aspect of life had with regards to culture, these should nonetheless be realized. T. S. Eliot, as well as many of his contemporaries, was practically fascinated by the very fragile nature that humanity illustrated ultimately. With regards to the close reading of that stanza above, this fragility is aptly demonstrated to the reader by means of the inconclusive and unsure nature that the speaker illustrates. Whereas the entire porn represent this uncertainty and self-doubt, the following passage portrays the manner in which the speaker wrestles with himself, emotions and feelings of love, lust, and integration with the idea of fate. The speaker says, â€Å"And would it have been worth it, after all,/After the cups, the marmalade, the tea,/Among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me,/Would it have been worth the while† (Eliot 2). In such a way, the reader can see the self-doubt and fragile nature of the psyche that is exhibited within the previous lines. Rather than being able to examine the situation and come to a determination whether he should or should not pursue the relationship, the speaker exhibits his own self-doubt and vacillates incessantly whether happiness or regret will be the end result. Another unique aspect of symbolism that the above passage relates to is the changing nature of gender roles that existed at the time the point was panned. Upon the conclusion of the First World War, an entire generation of young men returned to a society that was drastically different from the one they had left upon joining the armed forces. This difference was exhibited in a number of ways; however, one of the most noticeable was the level and extent to whi ch women were integrated into the society and the workforce (Lowe 66). As a result of this rapid cultural and societal shift, many individuals experienced something of cultural whiplash within the society. In tandem with the horrors of war, many men came to feel emasculated due to the fact that women now occupied many positions in the society and the workforce; also many cultural freedoms, that previously had been their own, were exhibited by women. Although this can hardly be referred to as a form of emasculation, key

Monday, October 28, 2019

Education in Barbados Essay Example for Free

Education in Barbados Essay Barbados had one of the oldest and most advanced education systems in the Eastern Caribbean in the late 1980s. Education dated back to 1686, when private funds were used to build the first school. Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, education was controlled by the Anglicans, who were later joined by other religious groups. By 1962 education was free for all nationals and administered primarily by the state. This trend continued, so that by 1984 only 4 percent of the primary and secondary schools were managed by churches. Barbados longstanding emphasis on education was evident in the values and goals of contemporary society. Education has traditionally been associated with success and upward mobility. In 1970 Barbados officially claimed to have achieved a 99-percent literacy rate, a figure that was questioned by some observers. Despite these doubts, observers generally agreed that in the 1980s literacy in Barbados exceeded the rates of other Caribbean societies. In 1984 Barbados had 126 primary schools, 110 of which were administered by the state. Approximately 1,350 teachers were available to instruct the 35,000 students. There were sixty-four secondary schools, five of which prepared students for technical careers. A total of 6,000 students attended secondary-school programs. Postsecondary education consisted of seven institutions that awarded degrees or certificates. Four schools offered specific vocational training: the Barbados Institute of Management and Productivity, the Erdiston Teachers Training College, the Tercentenary School of Nursing, and the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytecnic. Academic programs at the university level were conducted at the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies (UWI) and the Barbados Community College, which offered vocational and technical classes as well. The UWI also included Codrington College, a local theological seminary. In 1979 the government created the Skills Training Programme to augment existing education programs. It was designed to fulfill the need for short but intensive training in vocational subjects and to prepare students for careers in mechanics, electronics, horticulture, masonry, plumbing, and other technical and vocational occupations. Although the educational infrastructure was designed to meet both the nations academic and vocational needs, observers seriously questioned Barbados ability to provide quality instruction in fields related to tourism,  agriculture, and manufacturing, the major economic undertakings in the 1980s. Few courses were actually offered in agricultural science and commerce; as a result, an inadequate number of Barbadians were being prepared to take on the responsibilities inherent in a growing economy. The education system was also criticized for being stratified along socioeconomic lines. In general, upper-class Barbadians prepared for university studies at the best primary and secondary schools, received a disproportionate number of scholarships, and had the best records for entering the professional disciplines. On balance, however, most Barbadians felt that the education system still afforded opportunities to achieve at least limited upward mobility. The government appeared to be attempting to address specific criticisms of its educational policy; its goals for Barbadian education in the 1980s included the promotion of equal educational opportunity and enhanced technical and vocational programs in all schools. In spite of its shortcomings, the Barbadian education system remained the best in the Eastern Caribbean in the 1980s.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis of Dickinson’s Pain has an Element of Blank :: Element Blank

Analysis of Dickinson’s Pain has an Element of Blank      Although cryptic in language and structure, Dickinson gives her work an instinctually vivid sense of emotion.   Her examination of the feeling of pain focuses in on only a few of the subtler nuances of pain that are integral parts of the experience.   She draws in on an "Element of Blank" that she introduces in her opening line.   In exploring pain, she proposes that this "blankness" is a self-propagating force that is subject to the dynamic forces of time, history and perception, but only to an extent. Her first mention of "Pain" in the first line does not distinguish this particular emotion as being of a particular brand of pain.   She substitutes no other words for "pain."   By suggesting no other words for "pain," she chooses the most semantically encompassing term for the emotion.   She thus gives her work the responsibility of examining the collective, general breadth of "pain."   Her alternatives offer connotations that color her usage of "Pain": the sense of loss in "grief" and "mourning" or the sense of pity in "anguish" and "suffering."   She chooses the lexical vagueness of "Pain" to embrace all these facets of the emotion.    In introducing the "Element of Blank," it becomes the context that she thus examines pain.   The exact context of "Blank" possesses a vagueness that suggests its own inadequacy of solid definition.   Perhaps this sense of indefinition is the impression that this usage of "Blank" is meant to inspire.   In this context, this "blankness" is suggestive of a quality of empty unknowingness that is supported by the next few lines: "It cannot recollect When it begun."   This inability to remember raises a major problem with respect to the nature of "Pain;" namely whether Dickinson is choosing to personify "Pain" by giving it a human quality like memory, or is in fact negating the humanity of making it unable to remember.   Several lines below, she suggests that "Pain" does in fact possess some sort of limited sentient ability in recognizing "Its Past - enlightened to perceive."   It is very possible that it is the "Pain" that is being enlightened or perceiving. These conscious acts of giving "Pain" some sort of capacity of awareness personify "Pain" to some extent.    In continuation of "Pain's" inability to remember, She proceeds, "It cannot recollect When it begun - or if there were A time when it was not.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Many Faces Of Evil :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Evil has many faces. One of these includes racism and the injustices which many people have had to face. The following are some of the injustices which have occured and been documented.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Between the years of 1923 and 1947 many chinese were sent to canada to work in order to support themselves and their families in china. Men from China and Hong Kong went to Canada while leaving behind wives and children. Many jobs were open to the chinese but most, if not all, were low paying dangerous jobs. Such as working on the railway. The chinese were often used for cheap labor. This continued on for many years. The injustices toward the chinese were fading. Douglas Jung had become the first Chinese MP, and the British Columbia China town had become more and more populated. This was the end of the exclusion act.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Auschwitz was one of many concentration camps in the 1930's and 40's. Many famillies men, women and children would gather all their belongings and set off to this new place of work. Only to find a prison. A place surrounded by barbed wire and electrical fences. A place where prisoners had no rights, and would never come out alive. This concentration camp alone had millions of victims. Then came a man by the name of Rudolph Verba. A strong man who knew his destiny was not to be murdered in such a camp. Then on the seventh of April, 1944 Rudolph and two other men set out to make their plan of escape work. With help from people inside the camp and a well thought out plan Rudolph was able to escape. He went up the river towards the Slovakian Mountains until he came upon a woman who would help him. As an unsaid rule in these days people would not exchange names or very much information. This way no one could name any names if they were to be interogated. Rudolph helped many people in the Auschwitz camp, although many were already murdered and some were too weak to live even after being released from the concentration camp.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In both of the documentaries which we viewed, the themes were very much alike. Both were about the injustices and slavery which had been set upon so many people. Another injustice was that of the Jewish people.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Investigating the effect of pH on the activity of phosphatase enzymes

My aim in this experiment is to see how well an enzyme (phosphatase in this case) reacts under a controlled temperature but a varying pH. Enzymes are known to be effected by pH and temperature. Both of these change how quickly the enzyme can process a substrate, so perfect matches must be found for each enzyme. At a low temperature, the enzymes reaction is so slow that any product is hardly noticeable. At a high temperature, or an extreme pH, the active site of the enzyme is damaged, so the substrate cannot be processed. I predict that the optimal pH for the reaction to take place will be more acidic when the temperature is set at 25o c and the length of incubation is 10 minutes. A suitable pH would be between 3 – 5oc. I conducted preliminary experiments and chose to incubate at 25o c instead of the higher temperatures for the simple reason that I knew that at a higher temperature (around 35o c), the reaction would go at its fastest, and I ran the risk of high magenta values (I wanted to keep them all under 1 so they could be easily compared). I therefore wanted to see what would happen at lower than 35o c as far as reactions were concerned, so I chose 25o c. My method was adapted from a worksheet on varying the temperature in the same reaction, keeping pH constant. 1. Label a microfuge tube with your initials. 2. Place two mung beans into the labeled tube. 3. Add 0.5ml distilled water into the tube containing the beans. 4. Crush and macerate the beans with a small glass/plastic rod. 5. Take a second microfuge tube and add water to the same level as the one containing the mung beans. (TO BALANCE THE CENTRIFUGE RACK) 6. Place the tubes into opposite holes of the centrifuge rack and spin for 5 minutes at maximum speed 7. After spinning, draw off as much of the clear supernatant above the pellet as possible and place into a clean microfuge tube. This solution now contains the enzymes for the experiment. 8. Using a graduated pipettor, add 100?l of sodium carbonate (the buffer solution in this experiment). 9. Then add 20?l PPP substrate to each of the eight microfuge tubes. Wash the pippettor thoroughly. 10. Finally, add 20?l enzyme solution into it. 11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 as quickly as possible, to collect all the microfuge tubes. Now insert them into a Styrofoam float and place this on the surface of the water bath for 10 minutes, timed with a stop clock. 12. Now add 100?l Sodium Carbonate to stop the reactions. 13. Estimate the colour of the magenta using the magenta filters provided. The possible variables in this method are the volumes of substrate, enzyme and sodium carbonate along with the time in the water bath and the temperature of the water bath. The volumes will be measured as closely as possible with a micropippettor. Results: The number in the test tube column is the magenta filter that corresponded to the colour of the completed reaction. The higher numbers mean more reaction, lower means less reaction. Every time that I added the sodium carbonate to cancel the reaction, the colour change to magenta was sudden and with a small amount of shaking, the whole liquid was tinted purple. I managed to take 2 readings for each pH, and therefore average them. Without doing the preliminary experiment, I would have never known what temperature to try. This graph shows clearly how good my results were. They fit with my prediction that the optimum pH for a Phosphate enzyme is around pH 3-5, and therefore we can say that it requires a more acidic pH than an alkaline one. My conclusion, using this graph as evidence, is that a Phosphate enzyme works at its maximum speed at a lower pH, in this experiment pH 4, taking into account the other variables in the experiment. For instance, at a different water temperature, the pH required may vary. As mentioned before, as the temperature raises, so does the probability of denaturation. From the results, I assume this is beginning to happen before pH 5. But these results are not precise. I have no way of knowing which side of pH 4 the reaction is faster, i.e. if pH 3.9 is faster than pH 4, or pH 4.1. The pH4 that I got as being the fastest speed may not be the pinnacle of the reaction curve. Huge accuracy errors could have been made, for instance: * Was the precise equal amount of liquid put in each of the tubes? Probably not, the micropipette was hard to use and had very small scales. * Some reactions began before others when preparing to put the microfuge tubes into the water bath. You had to work incredibly quickly to prepare all of the tubes in as fast a time as possible. However, seeing how precise my results were, either I made the same mistakes over and over, therefore giving a whole set of incorrect results, or I did them all very well. This is the risk in using this method. If I were to change the method, I would get far more precise pipettes and find a way of adding the enzyme into the solution as quickly as possible, like getting 8 micropipettes filled and ready, then using one for each microfuge tube in quick succession. If this experiment was to be taken further, I would get people to work together and double check their accuracy as they go, so that they can do the final step before incubation in half the time or less. Instead of changing the pH, they could change the variable concerning the temperature of the water bath to be incubated in. Another possibility is that the different volumes could be changed to see how the results vary, of course only one at a time. For example, change the amount of enzyme to be put into the mixture, continue the experiment with other set variables and see what type of results you get.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

•as Our Civilization Is Developing, People Become More and More Dependent on Computers. Essays

as Our Civilization Is Developing, People Become More and More Dependent on Computers. Essays as Our Civilization Is Developing, People Become More and More Dependent on Computers. Essay as Our Civilization Is Developing, People Become More and More Dependent on Computers. Essay I think that we can depend on the computer for certain things like the sending of messages, controlling trains etc. If we can use no drivers to control vehicles, then trains can have a less chance of crashing because they will follow a route that is stetted. Anyway, without a need for humans for these things, we can use manpower for a better purpose like building buildings, fixing the computers etc that computers cannot do. The need for humans to reproduce more will also decrease. We can also save time by sending messages faster, look for information faster etc. This way, when an important message needs to be sent, it can immediately reach the other end of the world. Sadly, messages can be intercepted on the computer like in real life. So since they can be intercepted, there is no change in the safety of the message. But this time, if a message has reached the other end, it still can be stolen if someone hacks into your account. Even worse, if someone hacks into your account, the person can send false messages about you and ruin your reputation. But if we use the computers for things like playing only, then that will be wrong. We can play the games on the computer when we are free but not all the time. If we do, then we might get addicted and the main purpose of the computer would be defeated. Depending on computer have both positives and negatives. Computer is being used in all the fields very widely. Human beings are dependent on computers in today scenario. It consists of positives like reserving tickets from home instead of waiting in a queue. Similarly it is also being used in all industries for many purposes, but it also contains negatives like it reduces man power and makes the human lazy and more usage of computer may spoil human health as well. I conclude that the computer must be used worldwide but within a limit. Though it is good in depending on computers, it has its equal and opposite disadvantages. The person who is developing the application is gaining knowledge about computers in that field, but the end user who is using the application is not updating his knowledge in that field. So for a single person (programmer) is getting updated his knowledge. Entirely depending on computers is bad because it dont have the sixth sense to think of its own. Computer does our job faster, perfect within one click many jobs gets completed as many etc. Though computer has many applications its human who had made it and that is same as human mind so we should depend on computers rather than our mind. Now there are days where people who don’t have knowledge on any aspects and having knowledge on only computer can be serviced. It also has negatives that also depend on mind of human and the way he is using. In present time need of computer is must. With the help of computer, we are managing our business prefect. Computer saves the lot of time. In computer we can save data and see the data according to own need at any time. Today every person want to save time, save time is the one biggest thing in life that is only possible with help of computer. Well, most likely we dont totally depend on computers as much as it sounds. Of course they make things easier. I guess we do truly rely on computers to the extent that the world we understand would come crashing down around us without them. However, I dont think that would be the end of the story. In such an event, chances are, we would find the real backbone of our civilization in the midst of that rubble which is ingenuity and humanity, and perhaps a reprioritizing of what people should really be doing and a better way of doing things than we ever knew. We literally invented the internet out of some wire, some power, and thin air. Ones and zeroes have been turned into a very powerful medium for not only practical but beautiful life. If we as a society can do that, we can do anything. On the other hand, computerization of our society can make us numb to each other, where we sit in front of our safe little boxes and deal with each other that way instead of face to face. It also has the capability of tempting us into making some really stupid choices. It has become a huge distraction for most of us, and in some cases a full blown addiction. Let’s not forget that with computers has come a whole new and unexpected wave of high tech crime, and allowed the slimiest among us to hide even more carefully, becoming even slimier and making things worse for everyone.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Understanding Mayan Human Sacrifice

Understanding Mayan Human Sacrifice Why did the Maya perform human sacrifices? That the Mayan people practiced human sacrifice is not in doubt, but providing motives is part speculation. The word sacrifice is from the Latin and it is associated with the word sacred- human sacrifices, like many other rituals in the Maya and other civilizations, were part of a sacred ritual, an act of appeasing or paying homage to the gods. Grappling With the World Like all human societies, the Maya grappled with uncertainty in the world, erratic weather patterns which brought drought and storms, the anger and violence of enemies, the occurrence of disease, and the inevitability of death. Their pantheon of gods provided some perceived control over their world, but they needed to communicate with those gods and to perform deeds showing that they were worthy of good luck and good weather. The Maya performed human sacrifices during particular societal events. Human sacrifices were conducted at specific festivals in their annual calendar, at times of crisis, at dedications of buildings, at the ends or beginnings of warfare, at the accession to the throne of a new ruler, and at the time of that rulers death. Sacrifices at each of these events likely had different meanings to the people who conducted the sacrifices. Valuing Life The Maya valued life highly, and according to their religion, there was an afterlife so human sacrifice of people they cared for- such as children- was not perceived as murder but rather placing that individuals life into the hands of the deities. Even so, the highest cost to an individual was to lose their children thus child sacrifice was a truly holy act, conducted at times of crisis or times of new beginnings. At times of war and at rulers accessions, human sacrifices may have had a political meaning in that the ruler was indicating his ability to control others. Scholars have suggested that public sacrifice of captives was to display that ability and to reassure the people that he was doing everything he could to stay in communication with the gods. However, Inomata (2016) has suggested that the Maya may never have evaluated or discussed the legitimacy of a ruler: sacrifice was simply an expected part of the accession. Other Sacrifices Maya priests and rulers also made personal sacrifice, using obsidian knives, stingray spines, and knotted cords to draw blood from their own bodies as offerings to gods. If a ruler lost a battle, he himself was tortured and sacrificed. Luxury goods and other items were placed in sacred locations such as the Great Cenote at Chichen Itza and in rulers burials along with the human sacrifices. When people in modern societies try to come up with the purpose of human sacrifice in the past, we are prone to put our own concepts about how people think about themselves as individuals and members of society, how authority is established in our world, and how much control we believe our gods have over the world. It makes it difficult if not impossible to parse out what the reality might have been for the Maya, but no less fascinating for us to learn about ourselves in the process. Sources: Ardren T. 2011. Empowered Children in Classic Maya Sacrificial Rites. Childhood in the Past 4(1):133-145.Inomata T. 2016. Theories of Power and Legitimacy in Archaeological Contexts: The Emergent Regime of Power at the Formative Maya Community of Ceibal, Guatemala. Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. Boulder: University Press of Colorado. p 37-60.Pà ©rez de Heredia Puente EJ. 2008. Chen K’u: The Ceramic of the Sacred Cenote at Chichà ©n Itz. Tulane, Louisiana: Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident

The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident The Chernobyl disaster was a fire at a Ukrainian nuclear reactor, releasing substantial radioactivity within and outside the region. The consequences to human and environmental health are still felt to this day. The V.I. Lenin Memorial Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station was located in Ukraine, near the town of Pripyat, which had been built to house power station employees and their families. The power station was in a wooded, marshy area near the Ukraine-Belarus border, approximately 18 kilometers northwest of the city of Chernobyl and 100 km north of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station included four nuclear reactors, each capable of producing one gigawatt of electric power. At the time of the accident, the four reactors produced about 10 percent of the electricity used in Ukraine. Construction of the Chernobyl power station began in the 1970s. The first of the four reactors was commissioned in 1977, and Reactor No. 4 began producing power in 1983. When the accident occurred in 1986, two other nuclear reactors were under construction. The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident On Saturday, ​April 26, 1986, the operating crew planned to test whether the Reactor No. 4 turbines could produce enough energy to keep the coolant pumps running until the emergency diesel generator was activated in case of an external power loss. During the test, at 1:23:58 am local time, power surged unexpectedly, causing an explosion and driving temperatures in the reactor to more than 2,000 degrees Celsius- melting the fuel rods, igniting the reactor’s graphite covering, and releasing a cloud of radiation into the atmosphere. The precise causes of the accident are still uncertain, but it is generally believed that the series of incidents that led to the explosion, fire, and nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl was caused by a combination of reactor design flaws and operator error. Loss of Life and Illness By mid-2005, fewer than 60 deaths could be linked directly to Chernobyl- mostly workers who were exposed to massive radiation during the accident or children who developed thyroid cancer. Estimates of the eventual death toll from Chernobyl vary widely. A 2005 report by the Chernobyl Forum- eight U.N. organizations- estimated the accident eventually would cause about 4,000 deaths. Greenpeace places the figure at 93,000 deaths, based on information from the Belarus National Academy of Sciences. The Belarus National Academy of Sciences estimates 270,000 people in the region around the accident site will develop cancer as a result of Chernobyl radiation and that 93,000 of those cases are likely to be fatal. Another report by the Center for Independent Environmental Assessment of the Russian Academy of Sciences found a dramatic increase in mortality since 1990- 60,000 deaths in Russia and an estimated 140,000 deaths in Ukraine and Belarus- probably due to Chernobyl radiation. Psychological Effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident The biggest challenge facing communities still coping with the fallout of Chernobyl is the psychological damage to 5 million people in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. The psychological impact is now considered to be Chernobyls biggest health consequence, said Louisa Vinton, of the UNDP. People have been led to think of themselves as victims over the years, and are therefore more apt to take a passive approach toward their future rather than developing a system of self-sufficiency.† Exceptionally high levels of psychological stress have been reported from the regions around the abandoned nuclear power station.   Countries and Communities Affected Seventy percent of the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl landed in Belarus, affecting more than 3,600 towns and villages, and 2.5 million people. The radiation-contaminated soil, which in turn contaminates crops that people rely on for food. Surface and ground waters were contaminated, and in turn plants and wildlife were (and still are) affected. Many regions in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine are likely to be contaminated for decades. Radioactive fallout carried by the wind was later found in sheep in the UK, on clothing worn by people throughout Europe, and in rain in the United States. Chernobyl Status and Outlook The Chernobyl accident cost the former Soviet Union hundreds of billions of dollars, and some observers believe it may have hastened the collapse of the Soviet government. After the accident, Soviet authorities resettled more than 350,000 people outside the worst areas, including all 50,000 people from nearby Pripyat, but millions of people continue to live in contaminated areas. After the breakup of the Soviet Union, many projects intended to improve life in the region were abandoned, and young people began to move away to pursue careers and build new lives in other places. In many villages, up to 60 percent of the population is made up of pensioners, said Vasily Nesterenko, director of the Belrad Radiation Safety and Protection Institute in Minsk. In most of these villages, the number of people able to work is two or three times lower than normal. After the accident, Reactor No. 4 was sealed, but the Ukranian government allowed the other three reactors to keep operating because the country needed the power they provided. Reactor No. 2 was shut down after a fire damaged it in 1991, and Reactor No. 1 was decommissioned in 1996. In November 2000, the Ukranian president shut down Reactor No. 3 in an official ceremony that finally closed the Chernobyl facility. But Reactor No. 4, which was damaged in the 1986 explosion and fire, is still full of radioactive material encased inside a concrete barrier, called a sarcophagus, that is aging badly and needs to be replaced. Water leaking into the reactor carries radioactive material throughout the facility and threatens to seep into the groundwater. The sarcophagus was designed to last about 30 years, and current designs would create a new shelter with a lifetime of 100 years. But radioactivity in the damaged reactor would need to be contained for 100,000 years to ensure safety. That is a challenge not only for today  but for many generations to come.