Friday, November 1, 2019

Child Psychopathology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Child Psychopathology - Research Paper Example They are not able to manage the tasks of everyday life and cannot complete work which requires concentration. Children cannot perform very well at school as well and later in life they have difficulties in getting into relationships. Trauma to the brain by accidents and falls as well as exposure to chemicals such as lead during prenatal and early years of life can be counted as causes leading to this disease. Genetic factors also pose as a risk for it. Consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and other chemicals which affect the development of the brain can also create a risk for the infant to suffer from ADHD. A healthy atmosphere at home and educated parents can decrease the risk of developing this psychiatric condition. These people find it very difficult to cope up with the everyday activities and their weaknesses make them susceptible to develop addictions which include alcohol consumption and abuse of the prescription medications as well as other stimulants like caffeine and nicotine . Body: Being focused on to the important aspects of life is one of the main functions of the brain. In some diseases or disorders this special function of the brain is either lost or diminished. One such disorder which diminishes the functions of the brain is the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ... vention has also indicated that 8 million children in the United States between the age of 3 to 17 years have been diagnosed by this condition and 11% of the diagnosed cases are boys whereas 4.8% of the diagnosed cases are girls. Thus this disease is more common among children and it has a higher rate of occurrence in boys than in girls. Attention Deficit Disorder is a neuropsychiatric condition in which an individual is not able to concentrate or focus on a single aspect for a longer time. This leads to a lack of attention and it affects activities of an individual in everyday life. This disorder has a genetic predisposition as well as environmental factors play a role in it. Neurotransmitters which help in transmitting signals to and from the neurons are usually affected in this type of disorder which usually affects the chemical functions of the brain. Thus injuries to brain and chemicals which affect brain functioning can result in this disorder. A child who has close relatives a nd siblings suffering from ADHD is at a high risk of developing this condition. As already indicated by the statistics of the Center for Disease Control and prevention boys possess a risk of developing this disorder and they possess a more than two time greater risk of this illness. Damage to the brain through direct brain injury also makes a child more susceptible to have ADHD. Pregnant women, who consume alcohol, smoke and are exposed to other toxins like lead and chemicals that create hindrances in normal brain development may give birth to children possessing very high risks to suffer from this psychiatric condition. Not only this but also children who are exposed to harmful chemicals such as lead are also more vulnerable. This is because these chemicals prevent the normal growth of the

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