Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Developing Manager Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The Developing Manager - Assignment Example Instrumentl ledership: when generl rules nd types of behvior re creted where it is written wht is expected from subordintes. Encourgement ledership : is bsed on interpersonl reltionships more thn on orgniztionl processes Prticiptive ledership: implies consulttive pproch to mnging people. Decisions re mde by the group tht is working on certin project. Oriented ledership: is imed t reching success by employees through following the set objectives nd building the trust between employees. ii. pplied knowledge (Your mnger's ledership skill in the orgniztion) I think tht my mnger's ledership skills tht help him to effectively mnge the hotel I work in re s follows: The bility to drw others to them not just becuse they hve vision but becuse they communicte n extrordinry focus of commitment Mening through communiction: mking drems pprent to others nd to lign people with them, leders must communicte their vision. Communiction nd lignment work together. Trust through positioning: Trust is essentil to my orgniztion orgniztions. The mnger mnges trust through relibility. Deployment of self: the mnger knows his skills nd deploys them effectively. The mnger relized tht without mngement of self, he cn do more hrm thn good. c) Evlute communiction processes i. Wht is communiction Communiction is the process of sending nd receiving informtion or communiction with nother person. In simplistic form, informtion is sent from sender or encoder to receiver or decoder. In more complex form feedbck links sender to receiver. This requires symbolic ctivity, sometimes vi lnguge. Communiction development is the development of processes enbling one to understnd wht others sy (or sign, or write) nd spek(or sign, or write), trnslte sounds nd symbols into mening nd lern the syntx of... My orgniztion pplies neither of in-bove described styles. It is rther something in the middle of exploitive - uthorittive nd prticiptive-group which cn be referred to s consulttive. Mngers within my orgniztion hve substntil but not complete confidence nd trust in subordintes, usully try to mke use of subordintes' ides nd opinions, use rewrds for motivtion with occsionl punishment nd some prticiption, engge in communiction flow both down nd up, mke brod policy nd generl decisions t the top while llowing specific decisions to be mde t lower levels nd ct consulttively in other wys. Communiction is the process of sending nd receiving informtion or communiction with nother person. In simplistic form, informtion is sent from sender or encoder to receiver or decoder. In more complex form feedbck links sender to receiver. This requires symbolic ctivity, sometimes vi lnguge. Communiction development is the development of processes enbling one to understnd wht others sy (or sign, or write) nd spek(or sign, or write), trnslte sounds nd symbols into mening nd lern the syntx of the lnguge. Communiction is bsed on the ide of respect, promises nd the wnt for socil improvement. Nonverbl communiction dels wit

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