Thursday, January 30, 2020

Michael Faraday Essay Example for Free

Michael Faraday Essay Born September 22, 1791, he grew up in Newington Butts after his family had moved there from Yorkshire in order to try and make a living. His father, a blacksmith, fell ill and could not earn much money. This meant Michael left school at 13 and knew very little about maths, and almost nothing about science. When he went to work as a bookbinder he got his big chance. While binding books at the shop he would read the contents. Since scientists wrote their findings in books and discussed them, this was a great way to learn about science, and how the world works. Later, due to good luck he was working for a man by the name of Humphry Davy. Davy worked at the royal institution, doing demonstrations and lectures. Faraday belonged to a religious group called the sandemanians, which believed in a literal understanding of the bible. This meant he could not hoard or save money. When he married his wife he received financial help from the royal institution. Faraday offered many contributions to the world of science including electrolysis; generators, magnetic fields and electromagnetism, but his greatest contribution to the world would definitely be the electric motor. Faradays greatest discovery, the electric motor has affected greatly the world we live in and how we live in it. Faraday found that if you took a magnet it would rotate around a wire so long as the wire had current going through it. Through this experiment, Faraday had successfully performed the first conversion of electrical energy (in the wire) into mechanical energy (the moving magnet). He also found that if you fixed the magnet in place and let the wire move, the wire would rotate around the magnet. By studying these experiments, Faraday believed that when current is passed through a wire, a circular magnetic current circles the wire. This was the predecessor of the electric motor. Due to Faradays experiments we can use electric blenders, CD players and much much more. By discovering the circular fields around a wire induced with current, Faraday has greatly contributed to the world of physics. With further research of these circular currents around a wire, Faraday took an iron ring and wrapped a length of insulated wire around one side of it, and then wrapped a second length of insulated wire around the other side of the ring. He anticipated that if he passed a current through the first wire, it would establish a magnetic field in the ring, which would then induce current in the second insulated wire. When he first performed the experiment he believed it was a failure, as it appeared no current was induced in the second wire. But then he made an observation critical to the experiment. He observed that as he turned the current in the first wire on and off, current would be induced in the second wire. Instead of current in the first wire inducing current in the second, he realised that change in current of the first wire induced current in the second. To test his new theory, Faraday took a magnet and moved it in and out of a coil of wire. When the magnet was moving into the wire, the needle on the galvanometer would move one way. And when the magnet was moving out of the coil, the needle would move the opposite way. Next he set up a copper disc between two poles of a magnet. This time when the disc was spun a constant current would be induced. Faraday had created the first dynamo or electric generator. A device, which produces electrical energy from mechanical energy. Commonly used as bike-light generators. Faraday also enjoyed the science of chemistry. He did demonstrations at the royal institute where he would show demonstrations of pyrotechnics, big flashes, physical reactions, and chemical reactions, among other things. By combining his enjoyment of chemistry with his knowledge of physics, Faraday made some very important discoveries in electrolysis, which are still relevant today. Faraday revolutionised knowledge of electrolysis by introducing new words. He replaced the previously used pole with electrode to describe the object dangled into a solution. He described anode as the electrode where negatively charged gases attract, cathode as the electrode, which attracts positively charged chemicals, electrolyte as anything released at either electrode, anions as electrolytes that collect at the anode, and cations as electrolytes that are drawn to the cathode. All these terms are commonly used in electrolysis today, a real test of how good a word is, is the test of time. Probably one of Faradays most famous inventions is the miners safety lamp. During the early 1800s there was a large demand for coal, mine shafts were being used more. This posed a threat as methane collected in the mins. And because the mines were underground the miners had to have lamps. The threat came when the lamps lit the methane, which would light up the whole shaft. Humphry Davy and Michael Faraday, who was working for him at the time, solved this problem with the safety lamps. The safety lamps comprised of a long metal mesh cylinder with a solid, hollow base and a hook at the top, some had lenses to focus the dim light. They were different to normal mining lamps because they did not light the methane the mines produced. This was a safer option for the minors and within a short while they were being used in many mine shafts. Michael Faraday probably wouldnt have been able to imaging how greatly his inventions and discoveries have affected the world. Without Faradays research on magnetic fields we would not have use of the electric motor. Without his simple generator we would not have the use of dynamos or generators. And without his induction ring we would not be able to use transformers. The first person to properly harness the power of magnetic fields. From humble beginnings, with no proper maths or science tutoring, Michael Faraday, by perseverance, made his way up in the world to become one of the most influential people of all time. Without doubt, Michael Faraday was a great man. Died august 25, 1867; Michael Faraday had left the world leaving a great contribution behind him. Note: Michael Faraday was an interesting individual as well as a great scientist. To learn more about his life and particularly his scientific work the reader is encouraged to investigate in depth any of the books listed below. Each while similar, gives a different view of the person, Michael Faraday. ? Agassi, Joseph, Faraday as a Natural Philosopher, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1970.?Crookes, (Editor) A Course of Six Lectures on the Chemical History of a Candle: To which is Added a Lecture on Platinum by Michael Faraday, Chicago News Review 1988. ? Gooding, James (editors), Faraday Rediscovered, Stockton Press, London ,1985. ? Jones, Bence, The Life and Letters of Faraday(2 Volumes) Longmans, Green, London, 1870. ? Randell, Wilfrid L. ,Michael Faraday, Parsons, London, 1924. ? Tyndall, J. , Faraday as a Discoverer(4th Edition), Longmans, Green, London 1868. ? Williams, Pearce L. , The Origins of Field Theory, Random House, New York, 1966. ? Williams,Pearce L. , Michael Faraday, Basic Books, New York, 1967.

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