Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Need for Capital Punishment in America Essay examples -- Capital Pu

It is the firm belief and position here that committing such a crime as murder is punishable by death. Americans should take a position for anyone on death row, to be executed sooner rather than later. The moral reality in an argument for capital punishment is that they know the difference between the death penalty and what happens when it is actually put into place from the court of law. In the United States there are more people sitting in prison on death row than actually being executed at time of sentence. When the death penalty is not carried out, then families of the murdered victim recognize the value of the victim’s life is insignificant and the person that has committed the crime has the greater life of being able to continue living while in prison on death row. Many people argue for the death penalty with the case that is someone commits a violent crime, they should be put to death. Should anyone argue that if you take a human life, they will be able to live in prison and serve time and live, not to die by lethal injection or any of the other forms of capital punishment immediately? The argument for anyone in prison to not be punished and put to death is a crime w ithin itself. It is the belief of many that capital punishment is cruel and unjust. Although others would state the opposite to say that if you have committed murder, you to shall be put to death. In America anyone can have a right to believe that someone should live even if they have committed murder, especially if they have asked for forgiveness and all has been forgiven. Can it be justified that if anyone commits murder and then asked for forgiveness they be allowed to live and not be punished? Justice must be served here on earth as well as after deat... ... or disobeys God’s way in committing premeditated murder or involuntary manslaughter should be put to death immediately. Works Cited Adams, Cindy. â€Å"The Death Penalty as Just Punishment.† Does Capital Punishment Deter or is it a Biased Process? 3 Sept. 2008. 30 May 2010 . Andre, Claire, and Manuel Velasquez. â€Å"Capital Punishment.† Our Duty or Our Doom. 12 May 2010. 30 May 2010 . Colson, Charles W. â€Å"Capital Punishment.† The Rutherford Institute. 11 Nov. 2002. 30 May 2010 . Steiker, Carol S. â€Å"Capital Punishment and American Exceptionalism.† 2005. 30 May 2010 .

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