Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analytic Interpretation of The Love Song by J.Alfred Prufrock Essay

Analytic Interpretation of The Love Song by J.Alfred Prufrock - Essay Example Therefore, the ultimate thrust of this research will be to draw inference on and summarize the means, whereby symbolism is adequately and effectively employed within the poem by underscoring the means by which it is utilized within a brief stanza. For purposes of the analysis, the following stanza has been selected for the close reading: And would it have been worth it, after all, After the cups, the marmalade, the tea, Among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me, Would it have been worthwhile,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  90 To have bitten off the matter with a smile, To have squeezed the universe into a ball To roll it toward some overwhelming question, To say: â€Å"I am Lazarus, come from the dead, Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all†Ã¢â‚¬â€   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  95 If one, settling a pillow by her head,   Ã‚  Should say: â€Å"That is not what I meant at all;   Ã‚  That is not it, at all.† (Eliot 2) Within the time that was writ ten, Eliot was not alone in seeking to display and symbolize a level of fragile broken humanity. Although it is not the purpose of this brief analysis to go into a great detail as for the level of influence that the First World War and a clean break from prior Victorian restrictions on nearly every aspect of life had with regards to culture, these should nonetheless be realized. T. S. Eliot, as well as many of his contemporaries, was practically fascinated by the very fragile nature that humanity illustrated ultimately. With regards to the close reading of that stanza above, this fragility is aptly demonstrated to the reader by means of the inconclusive and unsure nature that the speaker illustrates. Whereas the entire porn represent this uncertainty and self-doubt, the following passage portrays the manner in which the speaker wrestles with himself, emotions and feelings of love, lust, and integration with the idea of fate. The speaker says, â€Å"And would it have been worth it, after all,/After the cups, the marmalade, the tea,/Among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me,/Would it have been worth the while† (Eliot 2). In such a way, the reader can see the self-doubt and fragile nature of the psyche that is exhibited within the previous lines. Rather than being able to examine the situation and come to a determination whether he should or should not pursue the relationship, the speaker exhibits his own self-doubt and vacillates incessantly whether happiness or regret will be the end result. Another unique aspect of symbolism that the above passage relates to is the changing nature of gender roles that existed at the time the point was panned. Upon the conclusion of the First World War, an entire generation of young men returned to a society that was drastically different from the one they had left upon joining the armed forces. This difference was exhibited in a number of ways; however, one of the most noticeable was the level and extent to whi ch women were integrated into the society and the workforce (Lowe 66). As a result of this rapid cultural and societal shift, many individuals experienced something of cultural whiplash within the society. In tandem with the horrors of war, many men came to feel emasculated due to the fact that women now occupied many positions in the society and the workforce; also many cultural freedoms, that previously had been their own, were exhibited by women. Although this can hardly be referred to as a form of emasculation, key

Monday, October 28, 2019

Education in Barbados Essay Example for Free

Education in Barbados Essay Barbados had one of the oldest and most advanced education systems in the Eastern Caribbean in the late 1980s. Education dated back to 1686, when private funds were used to build the first school. Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, education was controlled by the Anglicans, who were later joined by other religious groups. By 1962 education was free for all nationals and administered primarily by the state. This trend continued, so that by 1984 only 4 percent of the primary and secondary schools were managed by churches. Barbados longstanding emphasis on education was evident in the values and goals of contemporary society. Education has traditionally been associated with success and upward mobility. In 1970 Barbados officially claimed to have achieved a 99-percent literacy rate, a figure that was questioned by some observers. Despite these doubts, observers generally agreed that in the 1980s literacy in Barbados exceeded the rates of other Caribbean societies. In 1984 Barbados had 126 primary schools, 110 of which were administered by the state. Approximately 1,350 teachers were available to instruct the 35,000 students. There were sixty-four secondary schools, five of which prepared students for technical careers. A total of 6,000 students attended secondary-school programs. Postsecondary education consisted of seven institutions that awarded degrees or certificates. Four schools offered specific vocational training: the Barbados Institute of Management and Productivity, the Erdiston Teachers Training College, the Tercentenary School of Nursing, and the Samuel Jackman Prescod Polytecnic. Academic programs at the university level were conducted at the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies (UWI) and the Barbados Community College, which offered vocational and technical classes as well. The UWI also included Codrington College, a local theological seminary. In 1979 the government created the Skills Training Programme to augment existing education programs. It was designed to fulfill the need for short but intensive training in vocational subjects and to prepare students for careers in mechanics, electronics, horticulture, masonry, plumbing, and other technical and vocational occupations. Although the educational infrastructure was designed to meet both the nations academic and vocational needs, observers seriously questioned Barbados ability to provide quality instruction in fields related to tourism,  agriculture, and manufacturing, the major economic undertakings in the 1980s. Few courses were actually offered in agricultural science and commerce; as a result, an inadequate number of Barbadians were being prepared to take on the responsibilities inherent in a growing economy. The education system was also criticized for being stratified along socioeconomic lines. In general, upper-class Barbadians prepared for university studies at the best primary and secondary schools, received a disproportionate number of scholarships, and had the best records for entering the professional disciplines. On balance, however, most Barbadians felt that the education system still afforded opportunities to achieve at least limited upward mobility. The government appeared to be attempting to address specific criticisms of its educational policy; its goals for Barbadian education in the 1980s included the promotion of equal educational opportunity and enhanced technical and vocational programs in all schools. In spite of its shortcomings, the Barbadian education system remained the best in the Eastern Caribbean in the 1980s.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analysis of Dickinson’s Pain has an Element of Blank :: Element Blank

Analysis of Dickinson’s Pain has an Element of Blank      Although cryptic in language and structure, Dickinson gives her work an instinctually vivid sense of emotion.   Her examination of the feeling of pain focuses in on only a few of the subtler nuances of pain that are integral parts of the experience.   She draws in on an "Element of Blank" that she introduces in her opening line.   In exploring pain, she proposes that this "blankness" is a self-propagating force that is subject to the dynamic forces of time, history and perception, but only to an extent. Her first mention of "Pain" in the first line does not distinguish this particular emotion as being of a particular brand of pain.   She substitutes no other words for "pain."   By suggesting no other words for "pain," she chooses the most semantically encompassing term for the emotion.   She thus gives her work the responsibility of examining the collective, general breadth of "pain."   Her alternatives offer connotations that color her usage of "Pain": the sense of loss in "grief" and "mourning" or the sense of pity in "anguish" and "suffering."   She chooses the lexical vagueness of "Pain" to embrace all these facets of the emotion.    In introducing the "Element of Blank," it becomes the context that she thus examines pain.   The exact context of "Blank" possesses a vagueness that suggests its own inadequacy of solid definition.   Perhaps this sense of indefinition is the impression that this usage of "Blank" is meant to inspire.   In this context, this "blankness" is suggestive of a quality of empty unknowingness that is supported by the next few lines: "It cannot recollect When it begun."   This inability to remember raises a major problem with respect to the nature of "Pain;" namely whether Dickinson is choosing to personify "Pain" by giving it a human quality like memory, or is in fact negating the humanity of making it unable to remember.   Several lines below, she suggests that "Pain" does in fact possess some sort of limited sentient ability in recognizing "Its Past - enlightened to perceive."   It is very possible that it is the "Pain" that is being enlightened or perceiving. These conscious acts of giving "Pain" some sort of capacity of awareness personify "Pain" to some extent.    In continuation of "Pain's" inability to remember, She proceeds, "It cannot recollect When it begun - or if there were A time when it was not.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Many Faces Of Evil :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Evil has many faces. One of these includes racism and the injustices which many people have had to face. The following are some of the injustices which have occured and been documented.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Between the years of 1923 and 1947 many chinese were sent to canada to work in order to support themselves and their families in china. Men from China and Hong Kong went to Canada while leaving behind wives and children. Many jobs were open to the chinese but most, if not all, were low paying dangerous jobs. Such as working on the railway. The chinese were often used for cheap labor. This continued on for many years. The injustices toward the chinese were fading. Douglas Jung had become the first Chinese MP, and the British Columbia China town had become more and more populated. This was the end of the exclusion act.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Auschwitz was one of many concentration camps in the 1930's and 40's. Many famillies men, women and children would gather all their belongings and set off to this new place of work. Only to find a prison. A place surrounded by barbed wire and electrical fences. A place where prisoners had no rights, and would never come out alive. This concentration camp alone had millions of victims. Then came a man by the name of Rudolph Verba. A strong man who knew his destiny was not to be murdered in such a camp. Then on the seventh of April, 1944 Rudolph and two other men set out to make their plan of escape work. With help from people inside the camp and a well thought out plan Rudolph was able to escape. He went up the river towards the Slovakian Mountains until he came upon a woman who would help him. As an unsaid rule in these days people would not exchange names or very much information. This way no one could name any names if they were to be interogated. Rudolph helped many people in the Auschwitz camp, although many were already murdered and some were too weak to live even after being released from the concentration camp.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In both of the documentaries which we viewed, the themes were very much alike. Both were about the injustices and slavery which had been set upon so many people. Another injustice was that of the Jewish people.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Investigating the effect of pH on the activity of phosphatase enzymes

My aim in this experiment is to see how well an enzyme (phosphatase in this case) reacts under a controlled temperature but a varying pH. Enzymes are known to be effected by pH and temperature. Both of these change how quickly the enzyme can process a substrate, so perfect matches must be found for each enzyme. At a low temperature, the enzymes reaction is so slow that any product is hardly noticeable. At a high temperature, or an extreme pH, the active site of the enzyme is damaged, so the substrate cannot be processed. I predict that the optimal pH for the reaction to take place will be more acidic when the temperature is set at 25o c and the length of incubation is 10 minutes. A suitable pH would be between 3 – 5oc. I conducted preliminary experiments and chose to incubate at 25o c instead of the higher temperatures for the simple reason that I knew that at a higher temperature (around 35o c), the reaction would go at its fastest, and I ran the risk of high magenta values (I wanted to keep them all under 1 so they could be easily compared). I therefore wanted to see what would happen at lower than 35o c as far as reactions were concerned, so I chose 25o c. My method was adapted from a worksheet on varying the temperature in the same reaction, keeping pH constant. 1. Label a microfuge tube with your initials. 2. Place two mung beans into the labeled tube. 3. Add 0.5ml distilled water into the tube containing the beans. 4. Crush and macerate the beans with a small glass/plastic rod. 5. Take a second microfuge tube and add water to the same level as the one containing the mung beans. (TO BALANCE THE CENTRIFUGE RACK) 6. Place the tubes into opposite holes of the centrifuge rack and spin for 5 minutes at maximum speed 7. After spinning, draw off as much of the clear supernatant above the pellet as possible and place into a clean microfuge tube. This solution now contains the enzymes for the experiment. 8. Using a graduated pipettor, add 100?l of sodium carbonate (the buffer solution in this experiment). 9. Then add 20?l PPP substrate to each of the eight microfuge tubes. Wash the pippettor thoroughly. 10. Finally, add 20?l enzyme solution into it. 11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 as quickly as possible, to collect all the microfuge tubes. Now insert them into a Styrofoam float and place this on the surface of the water bath for 10 minutes, timed with a stop clock. 12. Now add 100?l Sodium Carbonate to stop the reactions. 13. Estimate the colour of the magenta using the magenta filters provided. The possible variables in this method are the volumes of substrate, enzyme and sodium carbonate along with the time in the water bath and the temperature of the water bath. The volumes will be measured as closely as possible with a micropippettor. Results: The number in the test tube column is the magenta filter that corresponded to the colour of the completed reaction. The higher numbers mean more reaction, lower means less reaction. Every time that I added the sodium carbonate to cancel the reaction, the colour change to magenta was sudden and with a small amount of shaking, the whole liquid was tinted purple. I managed to take 2 readings for each pH, and therefore average them. Without doing the preliminary experiment, I would have never known what temperature to try. This graph shows clearly how good my results were. They fit with my prediction that the optimum pH for a Phosphate enzyme is around pH 3-5, and therefore we can say that it requires a more acidic pH than an alkaline one. My conclusion, using this graph as evidence, is that a Phosphate enzyme works at its maximum speed at a lower pH, in this experiment pH 4, taking into account the other variables in the experiment. For instance, at a different water temperature, the pH required may vary. As mentioned before, as the temperature raises, so does the probability of denaturation. From the results, I assume this is beginning to happen before pH 5. But these results are not precise. I have no way of knowing which side of pH 4 the reaction is faster, i.e. if pH 3.9 is faster than pH 4, or pH 4.1. The pH4 that I got as being the fastest speed may not be the pinnacle of the reaction curve. Huge accuracy errors could have been made, for instance: * Was the precise equal amount of liquid put in each of the tubes? Probably not, the micropipette was hard to use and had very small scales. * Some reactions began before others when preparing to put the microfuge tubes into the water bath. You had to work incredibly quickly to prepare all of the tubes in as fast a time as possible. However, seeing how precise my results were, either I made the same mistakes over and over, therefore giving a whole set of incorrect results, or I did them all very well. This is the risk in using this method. If I were to change the method, I would get far more precise pipettes and find a way of adding the enzyme into the solution as quickly as possible, like getting 8 micropipettes filled and ready, then using one for each microfuge tube in quick succession. If this experiment was to be taken further, I would get people to work together and double check their accuracy as they go, so that they can do the final step before incubation in half the time or less. Instead of changing the pH, they could change the variable concerning the temperature of the water bath to be incubated in. Another possibility is that the different volumes could be changed to see how the results vary, of course only one at a time. For example, change the amount of enzyme to be put into the mixture, continue the experiment with other set variables and see what type of results you get.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

•as Our Civilization Is Developing, People Become More and More Dependent on Computers. Essays

as Our Civilization Is Developing, People Become More and More Dependent on Computers. Essays as Our Civilization Is Developing, People Become More and More Dependent on Computers. Essay as Our Civilization Is Developing, People Become More and More Dependent on Computers. Essay I think that we can depend on the computer for certain things like the sending of messages, controlling trains etc. If we can use no drivers to control vehicles, then trains can have a less chance of crashing because they will follow a route that is stetted. Anyway, without a need for humans for these things, we can use manpower for a better purpose like building buildings, fixing the computers etc that computers cannot do. The need for humans to reproduce more will also decrease. We can also save time by sending messages faster, look for information faster etc. This way, when an important message needs to be sent, it can immediately reach the other end of the world. Sadly, messages can be intercepted on the computer like in real life. So since they can be intercepted, there is no change in the safety of the message. But this time, if a message has reached the other end, it still can be stolen if someone hacks into your account. Even worse, if someone hacks into your account, the person can send false messages about you and ruin your reputation. But if we use the computers for things like playing only, then that will be wrong. We can play the games on the computer when we are free but not all the time. If we do, then we might get addicted and the main purpose of the computer would be defeated. Depending on computer have both positives and negatives. Computer is being used in all the fields very widely. Human beings are dependent on computers in today scenario. It consists of positives like reserving tickets from home instead of waiting in a queue. Similarly it is also being used in all industries for many purposes, but it also contains negatives like it reduces man power and makes the human lazy and more usage of computer may spoil human health as well. I conclude that the computer must be used worldwide but within a limit. Though it is good in depending on computers, it has its equal and opposite disadvantages. The person who is developing the application is gaining knowledge about computers in that field, but the end user who is using the application is not updating his knowledge in that field. So for a single person (programmer) is getting updated his knowledge. Entirely depending on computers is bad because it dont have the sixth sense to think of its own. Computer does our job faster, perfect within one click many jobs gets completed as many etc. Though computer has many applications its human who had made it and that is same as human mind so we should depend on computers rather than our mind. Now there are days where people who don’t have knowledge on any aspects and having knowledge on only computer can be serviced. It also has negatives that also depend on mind of human and the way he is using. In present time need of computer is must. With the help of computer, we are managing our business prefect. Computer saves the lot of time. In computer we can save data and see the data according to own need at any time. Today every person want to save time, save time is the one biggest thing in life that is only possible with help of computer. Well, most likely we dont totally depend on computers as much as it sounds. Of course they make things easier. I guess we do truly rely on computers to the extent that the world we understand would come crashing down around us without them. However, I dont think that would be the end of the story. In such an event, chances are, we would find the real backbone of our civilization in the midst of that rubble which is ingenuity and humanity, and perhaps a reprioritizing of what people should really be doing and a better way of doing things than we ever knew. We literally invented the internet out of some wire, some power, and thin air. Ones and zeroes have been turned into a very powerful medium for not only practical but beautiful life. If we as a society can do that, we can do anything. On the other hand, computerization of our society can make us numb to each other, where we sit in front of our safe little boxes and deal with each other that way instead of face to face. It also has the capability of tempting us into making some really stupid choices. It has become a huge distraction for most of us, and in some cases a full blown addiction. Let’s not forget that with computers has come a whole new and unexpected wave of high tech crime, and allowed the slimiest among us to hide even more carefully, becoming even slimier and making things worse for everyone.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Understanding Mayan Human Sacrifice

Understanding Mayan Human Sacrifice Why did the Maya perform human sacrifices? That the Mayan people practiced human sacrifice is not in doubt, but providing motives is part speculation. The word sacrifice is from the Latin and it is associated with the word sacred- human sacrifices, like many other rituals in the Maya and other civilizations, were part of a sacred ritual, an act of appeasing or paying homage to the gods. Grappling With the World Like all human societies, the Maya grappled with uncertainty in the world, erratic weather patterns which brought drought and storms, the anger and violence of enemies, the occurrence of disease, and the inevitability of death. Their pantheon of gods provided some perceived control over their world, but they needed to communicate with those gods and to perform deeds showing that they were worthy of good luck and good weather. The Maya performed human sacrifices during particular societal events. Human sacrifices were conducted at specific festivals in their annual calendar, at times of crisis, at dedications of buildings, at the ends or beginnings of warfare, at the accession to the throne of a new ruler, and at the time of that rulers death. Sacrifices at each of these events likely had different meanings to the people who conducted the sacrifices. Valuing Life The Maya valued life highly, and according to their religion, there was an afterlife so human sacrifice of people they cared for- such as children- was not perceived as murder but rather placing that individuals life into the hands of the deities. Even so, the highest cost to an individual was to lose their children thus child sacrifice was a truly holy act, conducted at times of crisis or times of new beginnings. At times of war and at rulers accessions, human sacrifices may have had a political meaning in that the ruler was indicating his ability to control others. Scholars have suggested that public sacrifice of captives was to display that ability and to reassure the people that he was doing everything he could to stay in communication with the gods. However, Inomata (2016) has suggested that the Maya may never have evaluated or discussed the legitimacy of a ruler: sacrifice was simply an expected part of the accession. Other Sacrifices Maya priests and rulers also made personal sacrifice, using obsidian knives, stingray spines, and knotted cords to draw blood from their own bodies as offerings to gods. If a ruler lost a battle, he himself was tortured and sacrificed. Luxury goods and other items were placed in sacred locations such as the Great Cenote at Chichen Itza and in rulers burials along with the human sacrifices. When people in modern societies try to come up with the purpose of human sacrifice in the past, we are prone to put our own concepts about how people think about themselves as individuals and members of society, how authority is established in our world, and how much control we believe our gods have over the world. It makes it difficult if not impossible to parse out what the reality might have been for the Maya, but no less fascinating for us to learn about ourselves in the process. Sources: Ardren T. 2011. Empowered Children in Classic Maya Sacrificial Rites. Childhood in the Past 4(1):133-145.Inomata T. 2016. Theories of Power and Legitimacy in Archaeological Contexts: The Emergent Regime of Power at the Formative Maya Community of Ceibal, Guatemala. Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. Boulder: University Press of Colorado. p 37-60.Pà ©rez de Heredia Puente EJ. 2008. Chen K’u: The Ceramic of the Sacred Cenote at Chichà ©n Itz. Tulane, Louisiana: Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident

The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident The Chernobyl disaster was a fire at a Ukrainian nuclear reactor, releasing substantial radioactivity within and outside the region. The consequences to human and environmental health are still felt to this day. The V.I. Lenin Memorial Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station was located in Ukraine, near the town of Pripyat, which had been built to house power station employees and their families. The power station was in a wooded, marshy area near the Ukraine-Belarus border, approximately 18 kilometers northwest of the city of Chernobyl and 100 km north of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station included four nuclear reactors, each capable of producing one gigawatt of electric power. At the time of the accident, the four reactors produced about 10 percent of the electricity used in Ukraine. Construction of the Chernobyl power station began in the 1970s. The first of the four reactors was commissioned in 1977, and Reactor No. 4 began producing power in 1983. When the accident occurred in 1986, two other nuclear reactors were under construction. The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident On Saturday, ​April 26, 1986, the operating crew planned to test whether the Reactor No. 4 turbines could produce enough energy to keep the coolant pumps running until the emergency diesel generator was activated in case of an external power loss. During the test, at 1:23:58 am local time, power surged unexpectedly, causing an explosion and driving temperatures in the reactor to more than 2,000 degrees Celsius- melting the fuel rods, igniting the reactor’s graphite covering, and releasing a cloud of radiation into the atmosphere. The precise causes of the accident are still uncertain, but it is generally believed that the series of incidents that led to the explosion, fire, and nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl was caused by a combination of reactor design flaws and operator error. Loss of Life and Illness By mid-2005, fewer than 60 deaths could be linked directly to Chernobyl- mostly workers who were exposed to massive radiation during the accident or children who developed thyroid cancer. Estimates of the eventual death toll from Chernobyl vary widely. A 2005 report by the Chernobyl Forum- eight U.N. organizations- estimated the accident eventually would cause about 4,000 deaths. Greenpeace places the figure at 93,000 deaths, based on information from the Belarus National Academy of Sciences. The Belarus National Academy of Sciences estimates 270,000 people in the region around the accident site will develop cancer as a result of Chernobyl radiation and that 93,000 of those cases are likely to be fatal. Another report by the Center for Independent Environmental Assessment of the Russian Academy of Sciences found a dramatic increase in mortality since 1990- 60,000 deaths in Russia and an estimated 140,000 deaths in Ukraine and Belarus- probably due to Chernobyl radiation. Psychological Effects of the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident The biggest challenge facing communities still coping with the fallout of Chernobyl is the psychological damage to 5 million people in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. The psychological impact is now considered to be Chernobyls biggest health consequence, said Louisa Vinton, of the UNDP. People have been led to think of themselves as victims over the years, and are therefore more apt to take a passive approach toward their future rather than developing a system of self-sufficiency.† Exceptionally high levels of psychological stress have been reported from the regions around the abandoned nuclear power station.   Countries and Communities Affected Seventy percent of the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl landed in Belarus, affecting more than 3,600 towns and villages, and 2.5 million people. The radiation-contaminated soil, which in turn contaminates crops that people rely on for food. Surface and ground waters were contaminated, and in turn plants and wildlife were (and still are) affected. Many regions in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine are likely to be contaminated for decades. Radioactive fallout carried by the wind was later found in sheep in the UK, on clothing worn by people throughout Europe, and in rain in the United States. Chernobyl Status and Outlook The Chernobyl accident cost the former Soviet Union hundreds of billions of dollars, and some observers believe it may have hastened the collapse of the Soviet government. After the accident, Soviet authorities resettled more than 350,000 people outside the worst areas, including all 50,000 people from nearby Pripyat, but millions of people continue to live in contaminated areas. After the breakup of the Soviet Union, many projects intended to improve life in the region were abandoned, and young people began to move away to pursue careers and build new lives in other places. In many villages, up to 60 percent of the population is made up of pensioners, said Vasily Nesterenko, director of the Belrad Radiation Safety and Protection Institute in Minsk. In most of these villages, the number of people able to work is two or three times lower than normal. After the accident, Reactor No. 4 was sealed, but the Ukranian government allowed the other three reactors to keep operating because the country needed the power they provided. Reactor No. 2 was shut down after a fire damaged it in 1991, and Reactor No. 1 was decommissioned in 1996. In November 2000, the Ukranian president shut down Reactor No. 3 in an official ceremony that finally closed the Chernobyl facility. But Reactor No. 4, which was damaged in the 1986 explosion and fire, is still full of radioactive material encased inside a concrete barrier, called a sarcophagus, that is aging badly and needs to be replaced. Water leaking into the reactor carries radioactive material throughout the facility and threatens to seep into the groundwater. The sarcophagus was designed to last about 30 years, and current designs would create a new shelter with a lifetime of 100 years. But radioactivity in the damaged reactor would need to be contained for 100,000 years to ensure safety. That is a challenge not only for today  but for many generations to come.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Using deductive and inductive reasoning write a paper stating why Term

Using deductive and inductive reasoning write a stating why teenagers should have a curfew - Term Paper Example Based on research teenagers under curfew have high moral respect for both their parents and other people. On the other hand, teenagers not monitored always fall in social problems. This includes violent crimes and prostitution related activities. It, therefore, is a non-disputed fact that having students in curfews shapes their future. Keeping teenagers in curfew is a means of curtailing their freedom while improving their future. The consequences of curfews for teenagers do not serve their purpose. They are lousy ideas, which force teenagers to do the exact opposite of what is expected. According to research, teenagers tend to violate rules of curfew to do the extreme. They arrive in school late and engage in indiscipline cases, to get notice from other students (Robert 68). Drawing boundaries for teenagers initiate a fight between the students and the set boundaries. Teenagers under curfew, therefore, are problematic that teenagers acting on a free will. Consequently, curfews derail teenagers from revealing their talents, which should be exploited adequately. Talents are extremely beneficial in the life of teenagers; therefore, teenagers need curfews for regulation. Students lacking curfews tend to waste their talents on non-relevant

Friday, October 18, 2019

Final exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Final exam - Essay Example Virginia Woolf was a significant heroic figure in the literary world. She was also a figurehead in the Bloomsbury group as she was very influential. Some of her most famous books include Mrs. Dalloway, to the lighthouse and a room of one’s word. The most memorable quotes from her work entail that any woman with a passion for writing must have her place and money Even though, she suffered from severe mental problems throughout her life her heroic attributes remain unforgotten. She greatly suffered from bipolar disorder that encompasses the most common mental health problem worldwide. She mainly emphasized on equality between men and women in her work. During the literary journey, she was known as one of the most famous writers in the 20th century who utilized modernism. Innovation centers on a literary motion that enables the practitioners to discover better and new ways of relating the experiences of human beings in a time of history that seemed to lack hope. She was a very innovative writer and in most cases she would capture the untamed thoughts of her characters. Pablo Picasso was a modernistic legend who made a great impact in history. The Spanish painter, poet, sculptor and ceramicist among many talents was born in 1881 and died in 1973. Pablo lived in France and was always remarkable and excellent at his work. He created a platform for most modern day painters and playwrights. He was among the most influential, highly talented artist in the 19th and 20th century. Pablo Picasso together with Henri Matisse utilized great modernism in their work. Pablo founded the Cubist movement, invented the sculpture that got constructed and also employed a variety of remarkable styles in his work as an artist. The most notable works he created include the Guernica and Guernica bombing. The Guernica bombing piece of art portrayed the destruction that came about as a result of bombing Guernica. The bombing was done by the Italian and the German air

Entamoeba histolytica Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Entamoeba histolytica - Essay Example The Entamoeba histolytica is the protozoan responsible for a disease called amoebiasis1. It mainly occurs in the large intestines and causes inflammation as its name suggests. The number of infections worldwide as a result of the parasite can be approximated at 35-50 million people, majority of whom are in developing countries where there is a problem of poor sanitation2. Entamoeba histolytica is a pathogenic parasite that occurs within the intestines and is the sole causative agent of amoebiasis, lack of proper hygiene can be ascribed as be one of the foremost causes of infection by the pathogen. The Entamoeba histolytica is an anaerobic protozoan that causes an infection in the digestive system of mainly humans and other primates2. It is estimated that the parasite has infected approximately 50 million people in the world over and it has had a major role in the morbidity and mortality especially in the developing countries. In addition, animals close to the home such as dogs and cats may also be infected regularly but are not believed to contribute to the transmission of the pathogen3. However, though there are numerous species of protozoa in the genus Entamoeba, not all of them are disease causing organisms. The Entamoeba histolytica is known to cause what is commonly referred to as amebiasis in humans which can either cause internal infections in the intestines or external ones2, 3. Even though some members of the Entamoeba genus are not associated with disease, they are important since they often may be confused with Entamoeba histolytica in diagnostics. Though it has a rather well distribution of incidence worldwide, there is higher incidence of amebiasis in developing countries. Medically speaking, in order for one to get infected by the protozoa, they ought to have ingested mature cysts that may be present in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A response to the prompt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A response to the prompt - Essay Example Others argue that it might be morally permissible to take lives in certain special cases. There is no agreement or consensus as to what is morally permissible and what is not when it comes to euthanasia. In this paper the issue of euthanasia will be discussed while responding a prompt in which a baby is in considerable pain and has no hope of revival. Different options will be discussed and medical, ethical, legal, and psychological reasons for choosing an option will also be presented. There are three options available for the doctor of Stephanie. The first option involves continuing her treatment without doing anything else. The second option involves slowly withdrawing treatment and ‘allowing’ her to die naturally. The second option is a perfect example of passive euthanasia. The third option is to act now and end the life of Stephanie in order to save her from the pain she is experiencing. Below each of the three options will be discussed. The first option will lead to great pain to the patient without any hope of medical revival. But it cannot be ignored that there have been cases where medical evidence has been refuted. This is a safe option for a doctor as continuing the treatment will not break any medical laws or will be morally questionable. But the downside of this option is that the patient will go through immense pain for no good reason and her quality of life will not improve. The second option finds a middle way between the two extreme options, but is still not immune from moral criticism. Some might argue that letting a patient die and taking a life might be morally indifferent (Rachels, 87). This makes the second option also complicated as many also argue against passive euthanasia. However, this option is legally permissible if the decision to stop the treatment is taken with the consent of the parents. The third option is another extreme and calls for ending

H Azeem company analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

H Azeem company analysis - Assignment Example Table of Contents Executive summary 0 Table of Contents 0 INTRODUCTION 1 CHOICE OF ORGANIZATION 2 Introduction of the organization 2 Choice Of Organization 3 BUSINESS BEHAVIOUR OF STAKEHOLDERS 5 Theories and frameworks in the small business management 5 Reasons of Small businesses to survive and prosper 7 Marketing Mix 9 ANALYSIS OF H AZEEM BUSINESS STRATEGY 11 Development of personal relationships 12 Flexible response to problems & challenges 12 Innovation 13 Low overheads 13 Niche markets 13 Marketing Mix 14 COMPARISON WITH COMPETITORS 15 Conclusions 16 Task B: Reflection on learning 16 References 17 INTRODUCTION There is a very famous German proverb stating that no one is rich or poor without helping himself to be in that position. That is one is to blame himself in what financial situation he may be. It is these kind of words that become a motivational factor for one person to start off of a small business and later on become an entrepreneur (Goel, Sanjay and Karri, Ranjan. 2006) . Some people start of their journey of becoming an entrepreneur by seeking a job which helps them to understand the ways a business is run and determine the factors that are crucial in the success of a business. Other may start up a business of their own and then learn from their mistakes. Many believe that small businesses may have some development issues but at the same time most of the people believe and it’s a proven fact that small business play a pivotal role in the development of the society and economy of a country (Aldrich, H.E., & Auster E.R. 1986). This report goes about in three steps. First, the introduction of H Azeem Jewelry, its basic information along with why was it chosen as an example. In the second step an analysis is carried out regarding the behavior of its stakeholders with respect to theoretical and practical ideas. Lastly, H Azeem is compared with its competitors and a reflection of where and why it stand at its current position is described. CHOICE OF ORGANIZATION Introduction of the organization H Azeem is a London based jewelry brand, It is managed by the designer, Hinna Azeem, herself and her aim is to introduce luxurious and stylish jewelry to the community at a cheap price. As they is a large Indian and Pakistani community nearby, who love to wear jewelry on every occasion, providing it on a cheap price gives her an advantage. Her luxurious and stylish designs give the business and brand an added value. H Azeem using both traditional and technological methods when it comes to marketing and sales, that is, jewelry can be bought through retailer shops and also through her e-store online. This also gives the business an extra advantages over its competitors. Another achievement of H Azeem is that it achieved a steady and stable positive growth within two years of business. This reflects the level of commitment and entrepreneurial skills of the management of H Azeem, the designer Hinna Azeem herself. H Azeem has been mention ed up in journals such a Vogue and has even displayed jewelry at the International Jewelry London 2012. This again shows how popular is this brand and how much is it loved by people. . Choice Of Organization We may come across many definitions of small business, some may relate it by the number of employees other may related it by how operations are

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A response to the prompt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A response to the prompt - Essay Example Others argue that it might be morally permissible to take lives in certain special cases. There is no agreement or consensus as to what is morally permissible and what is not when it comes to euthanasia. In this paper the issue of euthanasia will be discussed while responding a prompt in which a baby is in considerable pain and has no hope of revival. Different options will be discussed and medical, ethical, legal, and psychological reasons for choosing an option will also be presented. There are three options available for the doctor of Stephanie. The first option involves continuing her treatment without doing anything else. The second option involves slowly withdrawing treatment and ‘allowing’ her to die naturally. The second option is a perfect example of passive euthanasia. The third option is to act now and end the life of Stephanie in order to save her from the pain she is experiencing. Below each of the three options will be discussed. The first option will lead to great pain to the patient without any hope of medical revival. But it cannot be ignored that there have been cases where medical evidence has been refuted. This is a safe option for a doctor as continuing the treatment will not break any medical laws or will be morally questionable. But the downside of this option is that the patient will go through immense pain for no good reason and her quality of life will not improve. The second option finds a middle way between the two extreme options, but is still not immune from moral criticism. Some might argue that letting a patient die and taking a life might be morally indifferent (Rachels, 87). This makes the second option also complicated as many also argue against passive euthanasia. However, this option is legally permissible if the decision to stop the treatment is taken with the consent of the parents. The third option is another extreme and calls for ending

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organisational behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Organisational behaviour - Essay Example The research is focused on the aspects of the relationships and human behavior inside the organizations. Organizational behavior can be defined as the study of the way people, individual and groups relate in the organizations. Organizational behavior is extremely important, and managers should understand the behavior of their employee in order to build good relationships, and achieve the objectives of people, organization, and the social objectives. Organizational behavior entails the learning human behavior and the way they relate in the work place. A theory is concerns ideas used to explain the relationship of a phenomenon. These ideas are used to expound on the relationships about some aspects in the world. Human behavior is learnt in the societies through the various relationships that human beings engage in their environment. There are various theories used to explain human behavior (Griffin, 2011). The theories of human behavior are explored herein. Social exchange theory was c oined by theorists such as George Homans, John Thibaut, Harold Kelley, and Peter Blau. This theory emphasizes on how people minimize costs and maximize rewards through social exchange. This theory was developed to help understand the social behavior of humans in the economic realm. Another theory of human behavior is the social learning theory. Here, ideas by Albert Bandura as one of the scholars who wrote on social learning theory will be explored. According to Bandura, people in the society learn from each other.

Mintzberg’s 10 Managerial Roles Essay Example for Free

Mintzberg’s 10 Managerial Roles Essay This chart summarizes a manager’s ten roles: | | |Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles | | | | | | |Category |Role |Activity |Examples | | | | | | |Informational |Monitor |Seek and acquire work-related |Scan/read trade press,   periodicals, | | | |information |reports; attend seminars and | | | | |training; maintain personal contacts | |   | | | | | |Disseminator |Communicate/ disseminate information |Send memos and reports; inform staffers and | | | |to others within the organization |subordinates of decisions | |   | | | | | |Spokesperson |Communicate/transmit information to |Pass on memos, reports and informational | | | |outsiders |materials; participate in | | | | |conferences/meetings and report progress | |   |   |   |   | | | | | | |Interpersonal |Figurehead |Perform social and legal duties, act |Greet visitors, sign legal documents, attend| | | |as symbolic leader |ribbon cutting ceremonies, | | | | |host receptions, etc. | |   | | | | | |Leader |Direct and motivate subordinates, |Includes almost all interactions with | | | |select and train employees |subordinates | |   | | | | | |Liaison |Establish and maintain contacts within|Business correspondence, participation in | | | |and outside the organization |meetings with representatives | | | | |of other divisions or organizations.   | |   |   |   |   | | | | | | |Decisional |Entrepreneur |Identify new ideas and initiate |Implement innovations; Plan for the future | | | |improvement projects | | |   | | | | | |Disturbance Handler |Deals with disputes or problems and |Settle conflicts between subordinates; | | | |takes corrective action |Choose strategic alternatives; | | | | |  Overcome crisis situations | |   | | | | | |Resource Allocator |Decide where to apply resources |Draft and approve of plans, schedules, | | | | |budgets; Set priorities | |   | | | | | |Negotiator |Defends business interests |Participates in and directs negotiations | | | | |within team, department, and organization | In the real world, these roles overlap and a manager must learn to balance them in order to manage effectively. While a manager’s work can be analyzed by these individual roles, in practice they are intermixed and interdependent. According to Mintzberg: â€Å"The manager who only communicates or only conceives never gets anything done, while the manager who only ‘does’ ends up doing it all alone.†

Monday, October 14, 2019

An Introduction To The Operations Management Concepts Business Essay

An Introduction To The Operations Management Concepts Business Essay Operations Management has been defined by Krajewski, et al. (2007) as the control and direction of the processes of the organization that changes its input materials to products and/or services for its customers. This report will compare how Mercedes-Benz and Honda manage their operations. The comparison might be useful because it would help identify various ways an organisation could be run in order to meet its goals and objectives. The report will give a brief background of the two organizations mentioned above and then would move on to the comparison of their marketing strategies and competitive priorities. Finally, the importance of frameworks such as capacity planning, inventory management, supply chain design, Total quality management and performance measures, would be discussed and how they could be useful in helping an organisation function efficiently and effectively. A) COMPANY BACKGROUND OF MERCEDEZ BENZ [MERCEDEZ-BENZ U.S. INTERNATIONAL, inc. (MBUSI)] and HONDA [HONDA MANUFACTURING OF ALABAMA, LLC. (HMA)]. MERCEDEZ-BENZ (MBUSI) Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc. ( was established for the main purpose of manufacturing the M-Class. The M-class was such a huge success that they decided in August 2000 to expand the facility not only to manufacture more units of It, but also to include the R and GL-classes to its product list. The expansion not only doubled the plant size but also the labor force. The plant consists of a body shop, paint shop and two assembly shops. MBUSI receives orders from their 135 worldwide markets. MBUSI uses the Just-in-Time (JIT) philosophy which implies that they do not stockpile large amounts of the inventory they use to assemble their cars. HONDA (HMA) HMA ( manufactures the odyssey, ridgeline and pilot models for the world wide market. HMAs investment in Alabama is over $1.4billion with the construction of a new Honda Engineering facility, on-site consolidation center and steel blanking operation. One of their goals is to be able to produce goods with high quality and sell at a reasonable price. HMA can be referred to as a Zero Landfill Facility due to the fact that they are committed to the principle of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. They have made efforts in curbing energy use during their production processes, and this has earned them an energy star award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A.1) OPERATION/TRANSFORMATION PROCESS OF THE ORGANIZATIONS MERCEDEZ-BENZ (MBUSI) The manufacturing process for both models begins in the Body Shop where the components that comprise the metal body are welded together. From the body shop, they are taken to the ultra-clean Paint Shop where the cars are painted. Finally, they end up in the Assembly where it becomes a new Mercedes-Benz M, R, or GL-Class ready for shipping. From beginning to end, these vehicles are created with style, functionality, and quality in mind ( HONDA (HMA) Honda Manufacturing of Alabama (HMA) has the largest output for Honda light trucks. It has the capacity to create over 300,000 odyssey minivans, pilot sport utility vehicles, Ridgeline pick-up trucks and V-6 engines annually ( A.2) COMPARISON OF THE ORGANISATIONS BASED ON MARKETING STRATEGIES The Ansoff matrix suggests four ways an organisation could develop strategically. The first one which is market penetration deals with going into the market yet further with existing goods, the next one, product development, has to do with developing new products for the existing market, the third which is market development deals with developing new markets and new segments for existing products while the final one which is diversification takes a radical step to create new products for new markets (Wood, 2007). The table below shows the similarities and difference in marketing strategies between MERCEDEZ-BENZ and HONDA. MERCEDEZ-BENZ HONDA PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MARKET DEVELOPMENT DIVERSIFICATION The marketing strategies mentioned in the table above will be discussed in the following paragraphs. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Product Development deals with producing new products or improving existing ones for the existing market. According to Mercedes-Benz ( and HONDA (, below are some of the areas they have tried to improve their products. Mercedes (GL-CLASS/C-CLASS) and HONDA (PILOT/INSIGHT HYBRID) would be used as examples. MERCEDES-BENZ (GL-CLASS) HONDA (PILOT) SAFETY -12-Way protection of an 8-air bag protection -Electronic stability program(ESP) -Brake Assist(BAS) -Rollover sensor -Low tire pressure warning system -Active head restraints -Seat belts -Three-Row side curtain airbags with rollover sensor -Vehicle stability assist with traction control -Lower Anchors and Tethers for children(LATCH) Advanced compatibility Engineering(ACE) body structure -Tire pressure monitoring system(TPMS) SEATING/LUGGAGE CAPACITY -Room for 7 adults -collapsible seats for 2ndand 3rdrow, leaving more cargo space. -Room for 8 adults -collapsible seats for 2nd and 3rdrow, leaving more cargo space. 4-WHEEL AIR SUSPENSION 4-wheel air suspension which can raise its height by up to 3. This is useful for off road trips. TOWING CAPACITY -7500-ib towing capacity. -4500-ibs towing capacity. FUEL ECONOMY -Hondas variable cylinder management (VCM), which helps improve fuel economy. C-CLASS INSIGHT HYBRID ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLINESS -Blue efficiency technology which is efficient at reducing CO2 emissions Reduced CO2 emission. From the table above, it can be observed that the two organizations have developed their products in various areas which include safety, fuel economy, environmental friendliness etc. product development could be said to be a good marketing strategy because many consumers are drawn towards goods they can derive good value for money from. However, the development of a product might result to an increase in its price. This price change might discourage certain consumers from purchasing it which could have a negative effect on the amount of sales of the product. MARKET DEVELOPMENT Market Development is concerned with creating new markets and segments for existing products. MERCEDEZ-BENZ and HONDA have registered their presence in many parts of the world. With respect to Honda, they have manufacturing companies in America, China, Japan, Europe, Indonesia, and India. When manufacturing automobiles in any region, the needs and values of the consumers over there should be put into consideration. This could help in getting the market to patronize you all the more. For example, according to ( because the European market is highly Eco-conscious, Honda manufactured and launched the Insight Hybrid and the CR-Z Hybrid in 2009 and 2010 respectively, in Europe. Honda also released the Accord Crosstour model in the African and Middle Eastern markets where the SUV category is widely popular in order to cultivate a new CUV (Cross-over Utility Vehicle) category that offers new added value. Mercedes-Benz also has markets in various parts of the globe which include; Africa, Asia, Australia/Pacific, Europe, North and Central America, South America. Apart from developing new markets in different parts of the world, Mercedes-Benz has also tried to look into new customer segments. According to (, they are looking to expand their market base to youths. This is being done by using a more life-style marketing strategy which emphasizes a more fun loving, approachable and energetic side of Mercedes-Benz. This new message was obvious when they sponsored the Elton John concert in New York, and sponsoring of the professional tennis. Market development is a good marketing strategy in that it could help increase sales. However, when organizations enter into new markets without carrying out proper research on its suitability for their products, if it turns out that the market is not favorable enough due to reasons such as low purchasing power of consumers, then that product being introduced might not perform too well in the market. DIVERSIFICATION Diversification is developing entirely new products for a new market. Unlike Mercedes-Benz, Honda is into the production of different goods in different product lines. They manufacture Automobiles, Power sports (motor bikes and ATVs), Jets, Power equipments (Generators, lawnmowers, pumps, snow blowers etc), Honda Marines (Engines used for boats), and Honda Engines for (water pumps, agricultural equipments, forestry equipments, etc). Diversification is a very useful marketing strategy in that it helps expand the market base of the organisation and thereby increase the sales opportunities. However, for various reasons such as availability of substitute goods; strong competitors etc, certain brands might become weak or unprofitable and this could affect the organization negatively. A.3) COMPARISON OF THE ORGANISATIONS BASED ON COMPETITIVE PRIORITIES. MERCEDEZ (MBUSI) HONDA(HMA) CONSISTENT QUALITY VARIETY DELIVERY SPEED LOW-COST OPERATION DEVELOPMENT SPEED ON-TIME DELIVERY VOLUME FLEXIBILTY Some of the competitive priorities will be discussed below. CONSISTENT QUALITY Both Mercedes and Honda have consistent quality as a competitive priority. It may be argued that Consistency is being achieved due to the fact that production of cars is highly automated, and so the chances of error are slimmer. Honda and Mercedes for example have robots they use in their plants. These robots have been programmed to work in a particular which helps ensure consistency. VARIETY Both organizations have a wide range of goods available to customers. Mercedes has the A, B, C, CL, GL, S, SLK, E, R, M etc classes. On the other hand, Honda has different models of vehicles which include Accord coupe, crosstour, sedan, Civic coupe, hybrid sedan, si coupe, odyssey, pilot, Ridge line truck, etc. With this in place, the consumers have an array of choices. DELIVERY SPEED Delivery speed might be argued to be an important competitive priority to organizations because usually, consumers prefer going to places where they can get what they want when they want it. If an organisation can not deliver to its customers as quickly as possible, with time they might loose them. This could be one of the reasons why some companies decide to have branches all over the world just like Mercedes and Honda. The nearer you are to your market, the faster you can deliver. LOW-COST OPERATION Majority of Mercedes vehicles are luxurious and sophisticated. The materials involved in the manufacture of their cars are of higher quality and therefore could relatively cost more. This reflects in the price of the vehicle at the end of the day as Mercedes cars are usually very expensive. On the other hand, Hondas cost of operation might be a little lower because they manufacture vehicles that fall in the small car market; the raw materials used may not be as expensive as that of Mercedes. This is an area Honda and Mercedes differ. B.1) CAPACITY PLANNING AND THE EXPANSIONIST MODEL Capacity planning is employed to ensure that the processes in any given organisation run smoothly without any hitch. It would help identify the bottle necks, and then suggest ways of alleviating them. And also, through demand forecasts, it helps to guide the decision on whether or not to increase their capacity by buying more equipment, putting up more structures etc. There are a couple of tools used in capacity planning, and one of them is the expansionist model. The Expansionist strategy makes a forecast on demand and based on this, decides whether or not to expand capacity. The advantage of the expansionist strategy is that if the forecast is accurate, the chances of sales being lost to insufficient capacity becomes very narrow. However, if the demand does not increase as expected, the investment made in expansion might become a waste. Honda ( used the expansionist strategy when it forecasted that in 2004 they expected sales to increase by 36% of the previous year in the Asia-Oceania region. This made them increase the annual production capacity in India from 30,000 to 50,000 units. This decision to expand would have helped them reduce the chances of missing out on sales due to capacity insufficiency. B.2) INVENTORY MANAGEMENT AND JUST-IN-TIME (JIT) Inventory management has to do with monitoring the in-flow and out-flows of the goods of an organisation in such a way that they do not have too much in store, and at the same time are able to meet up with their demand. There are different methods of managing inventory in an organisation, and one of it is Just-In-Time (JIT). JIT is a philosophy which states that products should be ordered for and produced only when needed, and that they should not be produced to store away. The advantage of the JIT philosophy is that it produces a lean system which is anti-waste. JIT also helps save on cost such as storage, handling, shrinkage etc. However, if suppliers fail to deliver on the agreed date, fail to deliver materials of acceptable quality and/or deliver materials that require scrap or rework, the organisations processes would be disrupted. Mercedes ( uses the JIT philosophy for its operations. In their body shop, they have about one days supply of materials, and on the production line they have about 40 minutes of parts. Their team uses a computerized system whereby if they need more materials, a member of the team pushes a button which sends a signal to the screen on the forklift which will inform the forklift driver on which part is needed for what particular station. They use this system as opposed to stockpiling of parts on the line. It works for them because it helps them to be lean B.3) SUPPLY CHAIN DESIGN AND OFF SHORING Supply chain design has to do with the plan the organization has in place to ensure its supply chain does not hinder it from being competitive in the market. Supply chain design is both relevant to the service and manufacturing industries. In the service industry, it seeks to ensure that the resources needed to provide a service are always available in the right proportion, while in the manufacturing industry, it seeks to ensure that the organization does not have too much nor too little stock in its possession so they could meet up with their competitive priorities. One important aspect of supply chain view is off shoring. Off shoring involves establishing branches of an organization in one or more parts of the world. This could be done for various reasons one of which is to reduce the cost of logistics. However, if there is an over-estimation of the suitability of the intended location for the organization, and after setting up there for a while, they discover the prospects are not as bright as they thought probably due to insufficient power supply, they might have to fold up the organization which might be very costly because they would have invested so much in the project. It is therefore important for organizations to make sure it is absolutely necessary before embarking on an off shore project. Both Mercedes and Honda have off shore branches, and this can be reflected in the number of subsidiaries they have all over the world. One of the reasons why they do this is to be closer to their customers, so they can cut down on delivery cost. B.4) TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND 3 PRINCIPLES Total quality management (TQM) is used to ensure that the goods produced and services rendered by an organization are of good quality, and up to standard. The International Standard Organisation (ISO) sets the bar for all organizations. TQM takes into consideration three principles which include; level of customer satisfaction, degree of employee involvement and the rate of continuous improvement. Customer Satisfaction: This has to do with producing goods and rendering services that meet the need and satisfy the desires of the customer. It is important for an organization to satisfy their customers because they are the ones who keep them in business. If your customers are unhappy with your goods or services and they leave, then that organization might fold up in less than no time. Employee Involvement: This has to do with getting the opinion of workers on how to move the organisation forward. It might be argued that involving employees in some decision making processes is essential to the success of that organization because, it makes them feel useful and so they might want to put in their best in what they do. They are allowed to be innovative and to contribute their ideas to the organization which might end up taking the company to heights of greatness. Continuous Improvement: This deals with ensuring organizations processes are always efficient and effective. The competition in the market now a days is so stiff that organizations cannot afford to have a lackadaisical attitude towards the continuous improvement of their processes. If they do that, they would loose their customers to their competitors. It could be said that the application of the 3 principles to an organisation would be helpful for its survival. However, it might be expensive to handle especially when it comes to the continuous improvement bit because it might entail having to train staff on a frequent basis. Mercedes ( tries to continuously improve their processes by training their staff before and even after they commence work. B.5) PERFORMANCE RESOURCES AND BALANCED SCORE CARD Each organization need some form of benchmark to measure their level of performance. Kaplan and Nortons balanced scorecard could be used for this purpose, and it is discussed below. Financial Measures; this has to do with the measurement of the financial performance of the organisation. It takes into perspective concepts like Operating income, ROI, EBIT etc. Daimler AG, ( the parent company of Mercedes had a net profit of C1.4billion in 2008 while in 2009, they recorded a net loss of C 2.6billion. This loss might be partly because of the economic recession. In 2009, ( Honda had an operating income of Y189, 643 millions while in 2010, it increased to Y363,775. Looking at these figures, one can tell at a glance their level of financial performance for those years. Customer-Relationship Measure; this deals with how well an organisation treats its customers. It considers issues such as customer satisfaction, customer retention etc. Mercedes is a brand which could be argued to be well known for making their customers happy because they produce cars with class. They try to meet the need of sophistication which their customers have. With the release of the CR-Z hybrid, Honda has also tried to satisfy a segment of its market which is the Environmental-conscious group. Business Process Measure; This tries to assess how well an organistion manages its operations. It includes measures such as Quality, cost etc. Using quality as an example, one could say it is necessary for both Benz and Honda to have it because consumers are willing to buy goods that are worth the value of their money. So if these organizations lack this requirement, very soon they would run out of business. Learning and Growth/Human Resource Measures; This deals with how the employees are treated in the organisation. Some measures for this include employee retention, employee satisfaction, training etc. Mercedes is having problems with staff retention due to the recession. As a result, they are retrenching workers because they want to reduce the amount spent on wages. Honda on the other hand has made efforts in trying to make their staff a bit comfortable. Honda guaranteed a sum of 31.7billion for employee bank loan so that if any of its employees take a loan a falters, that sum would bail them out. C.1) EVALUATION OF THE MIX The concepts in the mix might be argued to be essential to any given organisation. This could be because they each play very important roles in ensuring the operations of an organisation run smoothly. Capacity planning helps ensure they dont loose out on demand due to insufficient capacity. Inventory management ensures they have the right amount of stock at every given point in time. This is necessary because they do not want so much stored up away which could result in an increase in holding cost, and at the same time they want to be able to meet up with demand. Supply chain Design helps to ensure the suppliers do not serve as impediments to the organisation from meeting their competitive priorities. Total quality management and performance resources are in place to ensure that the goods and services being produced are of acceptable standard. Based on the functions of the various frameworks described above, it could be said that all the members of the mix are important to both Mercedes and Honda. C.2) IMPACT OF THE MIX ON COMPETITIVENESS It could be argued that capacity planning, supply chain design and inventory management are necessary for competitiveness. Supply chain design is necessary because you need suppliers whose emphases are; on-time delivery, consistent quality and low prices. This could help organizations meet competitive priorities such as low cost operation, consistent quality, delivery speed, on-time delivery, top quality. Having a good supply chain design would be necessary for Mercedes (MBUSI) because they practice a JIT system which is highly dependent on reliable suppliers in order for it to succeed. Capacity planning helps competitiveness in that it ensures the organisation always has enough products to meet its demand. This is essential because if customers seldom get what they want from an organisation, they might loose confidence in them and thereby stop patronizing them. Capacity planning would be useful to both Mercedes and Honda because theres a need to meet up with the demand for their products in order to build confidence in their customers. Inventory management might also be necessary for competitiveness because for an organization which has low cost operation as its competitive priority, having too much goods in store might not be useful in helping them achieve this goal due to holding cost. Therefore such organisations need to monitor the amount of goods they have in stock at a particular point in time. C.3) IMPACT OF THE MIX ON INNOVATION Performance resources and Total Quality Management could impact innovation. One of the metrics in performance resources which has to do with new product/service development could have an impact on innovation because its a benchmark that emphasizes product improvement. Also, the continuous improvement principle under TQM which states that organizations should try to deliver better goods and services on a constant basis could have an impact on its innovative skills. Mercedes and Honda use this mix. That is why it can be observed that each model of car they release is an improved version of the previous one. C.4) IMPACT OF THE MIX ON SUSTAINABILITY The mix contains important principles which include capacity planning, inventory management, supply chain design, performance resources and Total quality management. If these principles are being applied to both Mercedes and Honda, these organizations would most likely remain in the market for quite a long period of time because the application of the mix gives an operational and competitive edge, and being able to compete in the market is necessary for survival. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION This report has helped to highlight how important it is for organizations to manage their processes well by applying principles such as TQM, Capacity planning, inventory management etc because then, they will not only meet their competitive priorities, but they will be able to compete effectively against competitors in their target market.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The NASW Position Statement on Gays and Lesbians and the Students Persp

There are many issues that interfere with the health and happiness of those within the Gay and Lesbian community. The National Association Position Statement on Gays and Lesbians is as attempt to abolish such issues within the social work practice. One place that individuals of any sexual orientation practice should feel safe is with those who have chosen the field of social work as a means to helping the oppressed. Social workers must be aware of their own personal beliefs and values when it comes to the fear of and the misrepresentation of working with this divers group. The consequences of not dealing with such issues and may have a latent manifest in dealing with the Gay and Lesbian population, and if not addressed prior to working in this field, maybe devastating to a client. After reviewing the NASW’s Position Statement of Gays and Lesbians, I found that â€Å"NASW supports laws and rights as it pertains to the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexual, and transgender or the LGBT (NASW, 2004).† Moreover, the position statement identifies that homosexuals should be seen as equals and be given the right to such issues as same-sex marriages, adoptions, joint tax returns, shared health insurance, parenting, and bereavement leaves. As social workers we should not try to change a person’s beliefs about their sexual orientation in anyway, but seek to gain education concerning human sexuality, human sexual development, and a high degree of comfort and communication skills when responding to such issues (Haldman, 1994). Before I penetrate any further into this paper, I would like to point out that it is important for people (especially social workers), to know what the meaning of heterosexism is to truly understand the concept of the NASW... ...eflects my own views and experiences concerning LGBT group as it relates to the NASW position on Gays and Lesbian. It is because I am a social work student that I celebrate and support this statement. Works Cited Hacker. 2011. in Retrieved May 8, 2011, from http://www.merriam- National Association of Social Workers. (1999). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Washington, DC: Author. National Association of Social Workers. (2003). Lesbian, gay, and bisexual issues. Social work speaks: National Association of Social Workers policy statements, 2003–2006 (6th ed., pp. 224–235). Washington, DC: NASW Press. Walter R. Schumm 2010: The Other Story about Same Sex Parenting, www., Retrieved March 4, 2012

Friday, October 11, 2019

African Psychology :: essays research papers

Black Consciousness has been defined as an attitude of the mind and a way of life. Therefore, the purpose of teaching Black Consciousness was to conquer feelings of black inferiority and replace it with a new solid social identity which encouraged black pride and independence from white oppression. Africans should reject the myths from which Apartheid was conceived, where blacks were depicted as inferior, savage, simple and having a primitive culture which needed to be modernized. Rather blacks should believe in their true identity of being survivors with the utmost human dignity. Black people needed to become aware of their collective power both economically and politically. People of African descent must create their own value system, where they were self-defined not defined by white superiors. Therefore Black Consciousness’ main belief was, that racial domination had become internalized, thus causing low self-esteem, which in turn allowed room for political disunity and encouraged a dependence on white leadership. The philosophy of Black Consciousness was to break this set of attitudes and form a new belief in black self-reliance and dignity. It was only when this was achieved could black the man truly be liberated both physically and mentally. The Black Consciousness philosophy was an agenda for ideological realignment and political revitalization, which could rebuild and recondition the mind of the oppressed. This ideology brought a new sophistication and insight into the analysis of African psychology. An important psychological shift advocated by the Black Conscious Movement was the redefinition of blackness. No longer would Africans accept the negative label of ‘non-white’, they refused to be regarded as non-persons but demanded to be called positively as black. This definition of ‘black’ was not race or class exclusive rather it sought to incorporate all people who were discriminated against and denied access to white privileges under the oppressive apartheid regime. The definition of blackness is actually somewhat complex, the path to understanding it leads to certain directions. First off, that being black was a mental attitude, not just a matter of skin pigmentation. Secondly, by merely acknowledging that one is black already sets oneself along the road of emancipation. Another strong belief of the African Psychologists, of the was his rejection of Euro-American methods of measuring the intelligence and behavior of Black People. Psychologists believe that blacks needed to be self-reliant. They needed to do things for themselves, by themselves, instead of relying on the Euro-American or Western psychologists as the standards or absolutes. African Psychology :: essays research papers Black Consciousness has been defined as an attitude of the mind and a way of life. Therefore, the purpose of teaching Black Consciousness was to conquer feelings of black inferiority and replace it with a new solid social identity which encouraged black pride and independence from white oppression. Africans should reject the myths from which Apartheid was conceived, where blacks were depicted as inferior, savage, simple and having a primitive culture which needed to be modernized. Rather blacks should believe in their true identity of being survivors with the utmost human dignity. Black people needed to become aware of their collective power both economically and politically. People of African descent must create their own value system, where they were self-defined not defined by white superiors. Therefore Black Consciousness’ main belief was, that racial domination had become internalized, thus causing low self-esteem, which in turn allowed room for political disunity and encouraged a dependence on white leadership. The philosophy of Black Consciousness was to break this set of attitudes and form a new belief in black self-reliance and dignity. It was only when this was achieved could black the man truly be liberated both physically and mentally. The Black Consciousness philosophy was an agenda for ideological realignment and political revitalization, which could rebuild and recondition the mind of the oppressed. This ideology brought a new sophistication and insight into the analysis of African psychology. An important psychological shift advocated by the Black Conscious Movement was the redefinition of blackness. No longer would Africans accept the negative label of ‘non-white’, they refused to be regarded as non-persons but demanded to be called positively as black. This definition of ‘black’ was not race or class exclusive rather it sought to incorporate all people who were discriminated against and denied access to white privileges under the oppressive apartheid regime. The definition of blackness is actually somewhat complex, the path to understanding it leads to certain directions. First off, that being black was a mental attitude, not just a matter of skin pigmentation. Secondly, by merely acknowledging that one is black already sets oneself along the road of emancipation. Another strong belief of the African Psychologists, of the was his rejection of Euro-American methods of measuring the intelligence and behavior of Black People. Psychologists believe that blacks needed to be self-reliant. They needed to do things for themselves, by themselves, instead of relying on the Euro-American or Western psychologists as the standards or absolutes.

One Step Home Brewing Kit Essay

There are a lot of home brewing kits available in market but all have a typical problem associated with it. We have come with a new â€Å"One Step Home Brewing Kit† based on our patented technology. Soon we plan to launch it in market. We did a market research for such product and gained a lot of valuable information. Based on all those observations we have come with the following plan. We would be operating through internet instead of setting up a shop for it, at least for the initial phase. Not only it reaches to more people but also is more convenient to operate. We won’t run the website ourselves but would outsource to a separate company. Our research shows that outsourcing would be cheaper. We have finalized our hosting company and hosting plans. The initial one time cost comes to be around $10,000/-. Regarding our financials For the first month our primary target is set our infrastructure right. We need to get comfortable with the setup, optimize our settings. So, for the first month we won’t be spending much on advertising but would mainly focus on our acquaintance and word-of-mouth publicity to get our customers. We have kept a modest sales target of 100 units. Each kits selling price would be $30/-. Cost of revenue is assumed to be 45% of revenue. Biggest expense during this time would be of setting up the website which includes one time cost of website hosting, web designing and taking photographs of our product. The setting up process will take around 20 -25 days. From the last few days of the month we would increase our advertisements and also would put user experiences of our product on the website. Rough estimate shows a loss for the first month which is very well expected at the beginning of a business firm. In the second month we expect sales of around 500 units. This increase is expected due to increase in our advertising and the positive feedback given by our customers for our product. We ourselves have no doubt that our product is best and hence expect strong positive atmosphere for our product in the market. To cater to this increasing need we would need to purchase a new computer and hire an operator for that. The New system’s cost is put in office equipment expenses field. This would increase our staff from 1 to 2. We also would have to work in those positions to curtail our staff requirements For the 3rd month we expect sales of around 800 units and hope to induce a new staff and a new computer to keep up with our increasing customer visits and their database. We hope to reach our break even point by the end of 3rd month. For the next quarter we hope to keep a calm speed and again check our system and get the work boundaries of everyone more finer. We would take one more employee at non technical position. For 3rd quarter we again expect a rapid increase in our sales due to the previous quarter’s corrective steps. We will introduce a new staff in our team to concentrate specifically on our advertising. So our advertising cost reaches an all time high. For final quarter we hope to keep up this good trend. For 2nd year we will try to outsource some of our processes like dispatching, packing etc. so that we focus more on our core competence i. e. our product. We will also try to start R&D around our product. This will help us bring out some new product. We will first be looking to bring some product that would complement our product. Also we may venture out in new areas if they seem perfect for our conditions. Our Rent is going to increase by 20% In 3rd year we will double our infrastructure. This may be for our new product or to keep the increased volume of sales of our existing product. This year we will definitely setup our R&D if they are not setup to the full extent in the second year. As the world is progressing fast in technology fields and future would hold golden days for technology products. We will surely bring some product in this domain. Our core product would of course be always our focus and we will always try to better it. As we move past the expected milestones we would surely be getting more experienced and will fine tune our expenses, Mobilize our staff to specific positions. This is our plan till now and we hope to surpass it every month, quarte

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Team Sport

His stomach was like a helicopter, churning around nervously. The palms of his hands were shaking in an irritable manner and in all truthfulness; he probably had the right to be so nervous. The period that was next was the one he had been dreading all morning. It was the first lesson of his new school and it was sport! He heard the last bell for class and painfully sauntered into the roomy school gym. ‘God' he thought, ‘I hate team sports.' He remembered at his old school how, nerve-racking it felt to be picked last! He thought that now it would be even worse being the new kid. About fifty, different sized boys were standing in a restless random fashion. Some were shouting, trying to prove their side in an argument, others were wrestling each other on the rugged, aged gym floor. One group was sitting quietly, contemplating some math theory they developed, but most of the boys were making clamorous, heavy noises. Obviously, the teacher was not present. As he walked in most of the boys' attentions were changed to him. Some of the more insecure boys snickered and laughed savagely at him, pulling faces. Others were surprised, because they had never seen him before. He was obviously new. He stood there tensely, playing with his untidy, white-blond hair. He was attempting to act as if he wasn't the centre of attention, and that he wasn't at all nervous and sensitive. It wasn't really working out, because about fifty boys' eyes glued to him like couch potatoes watching television, watching his every movement. He was in luck though, because the broad, glass double-door of the gym swung open. Every boy looked at the person who entered the gym. When they realised that it was the teacher, they started to groan. They didn't want another lengthy, tiresome school year to start. But, some of their faces were excited at having such a teacher that was so young, that she was straight out of uni. She wasn't bad looking either, in their opinions. Also, usually the young teachers could not control the class, so they could have some fun in sport. Or so they thought†¦ â€Å"Good-morning boys.† She greeted briskly, in a hight-pitched, tight voice, â€Å"My name is Ms. Hart, and I am your new P.E. teacher for your entire middle school. So, not only am I teaching you guys, but I am also teaching the lower grades of seven to nine. I will make sure that every one will be fit, happy and healthy by the time the year is over.† ‘Happy?' doubted the new boy, ‘that's not a word in my vocabulary.' He shuddered; remembering the times that the guys at his old school had made fun of his white-blonde hair, calling it ‘granny hair'. â€Å"I have one more thing to say before we get started into a game of basketball. Who are the new boys this year?† The new kid raised his long hand feebly, along with two others. Miss Hart observed them closely. She finally spoke. â€Å"What are your names?† she inquired enthusiastically. â€Å"Eric Jacobs.† The blond kid answered. â€Å"Martin Gregory.† â€Å"Michael Tran.† The other boys said. The young teacher hesitated for a couple of seconds before grouping them up into groups. Eric was put into a group of boys that were from an Italian background. He walked towards them. They stared hesitantly back at him. One smiled and said confidently, â€Å"Hey Eric, pleased to meet you. Ready to kick but on the basketball court? â€Å"Sure, why not.† Eric said self-consciously. ‘Maybe this new school was ok.' He thought. ‘Maybe he would finally get a chance to fit in.'

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Summarize the Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Summarize the Article - Essay Example The authors found that sleep difficulty are common in older individuals and are significantly associated with more severe and disseminated pain. This study rather did not find that pain severity was associated with age but recognized that more research is needed to develop effective interactions for these prevalent and co-occurring disabling conditions. Furthermore Dysfunction of the hypothalamic pituitary- adrenal axis was found to be associated with greater risk of developing chronic widespread pain (Qian, 2011). This study showed that, after adjustment for use of psychotherapeutic medications and the daily anesthetics, the connotation between pain and sleep difficulties decreased modestly A number of mechanisms like Chronic pain characteristics maybe an important factor contributing to the sleep difficulties amongst aged and may need to be added to pain assessment in older persons. The medications prescribed for chronic pain and promting sleep have analgesic and sedating effects. Chen, Qian, et al. "Characteristics of chronic pain associated with sleep difficulty in older adults: The Maintenance of Balance, Independent Living, Intellect, and Zest in the Elderly (MOBILIZE) Boston study." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 59.8 (2011):

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Suicide Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Suicide - Research Paper Example Sixty-seven percent of sample population (n=20) reported maximum suicide attempts among people in the age group of 15-25, 19% (n=5) was in the 25-35 range. Suicide attempts among the other age groups, i.e., 5-15 and above 35 was relatively low at 7% each. Secondly, almost half of the sample population reported maximum suicide attempts among females, at 47% (n=14), followed by men at 30% (n=9). About 17% of the psychiatrists reported equal number of suicide cases from both genders. Thirdly, about 53% (n=16) reported that their patients who had attempted suicide had used either pills or unspecified drugs as the method. About 27% (n=8) had attempted poisonous substances. However, there were cases using other methods of suicide attempts too. An assessment of reasons for committing suicide highlighted social pressures (30%) and failure in relationships (30%) as the most common ones. Other reasons like family and economic conditions were also reported. The most common impact of suicide attempts was greater depression, reported by almost 74% of the psychiatrists. This could probably be due to stigma and fear of facing the society and family members. Fear and avenging behavior have also been noticed. Increased attachment towards family was reported by few psychiatrists. The outcome of the survey pointed that depression leading to suicide was more common among adolescent females. This survey indicates that suicides attempts were reported maximum among the girls between the age group of 15-25 years, as this is the age where female face a lot of problems and pressure from school, university, their economic condition, love failures or their general hormonal changes, and even sexual harassments. Reasons for attempts of suicide can be attributed to their level of maturity and ability to handle their own growing emotions towards new relationships. Clash of sociocultural expectations and adolescent

Monday, October 7, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Coursework Example Corporate social responsibility can be broadly defined in terms of the responsiveness of businesses to stakeholders’ legal, ethical, social and environmental expectations (UNIDO, 2002). Stakeholders are people and group of people who are directly or indirectly impacted by the business. CSR underpins the principles of Coca-Cola and all its priorities and operations conform within its CSR approach. For example, it had supplied drinking water to the victims of the earthquake in Turkey (CSR Report, 2011). CSR codes refer to the international standards of CSR practices implemented in the workplace vis-Ã  -vis social and environmental responsibilities of the business.Sustainable development can be described as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (iisd, 2013). Coca-Cola is highly sensitive to the environment and takes serious measures to reduce carbon footprint and uses recycled goods to promo te conservation and preservation of the environment. It encourages environment-related activities within its companies and the community where it is operating. It has promoted rainwater harvesting in Kazakhstan and significantly reduced energy consumption in its Turkey operations. It has also adopted sustainability management approach whereby it ensures conservation of natural resources like water, land and clean air. Sustainability is defined as a process which helps to save resources for the future.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Flexible Budgets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Flexible Budgets - Essay Example This paper will outline the difference between the two methods of budgeting. Flexible budget records and outlines different information than static budget since it records the daily activities of budgeting and accommodates the accountings entries and activities that are new to the budget system. Unlike static budget which is prepared before the beginning of accounting period, flexible budget is prepared daily and continues till the end of the period (Mowen, 2012). Static budget ensures comparison and variance analysis is done due to presence of actual budget and estimated budget while the flexible budget does not involve comparison of budgets as there is only one budget. A flexible budget is not always better as it does not involve many activities like variance analysis to evaluate the performance of the company. Static budget is usually preferred where a business estimates the budget and wants to compare the difference between the estimated budget and actual budget (Mowen,

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Introduction to East Asian Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Introduction to East Asian Cinema - Essay Example The movie had a well structured thematic direction and representation of Chinese culture that it gained government’s approval. Despite application of modern settings within the film, it possesses some close similarities with ‘Journey to the West’, which was released in February 2013 by Chinese Huayi Brother’s film company. Yoo (2012) says that with respect to the moral story behind Jia’s film, one can develop an understanding that the director strives to create a contrast between two different cultures. In this regard, one can say that Jai’s film, ‘The World’, portrays a theme of clash of civilization witnessed in modern globalized societies. ‘Journey to the West’ resembles ‘The World’ in key elements constituting its thematic structure. The movie features the struggle between Chu, and Huen in an effort to retrieve lost treasures stolen by a western insurgent group. This film employs a traditional Chinese setting in its physical portrayal of scenery background. The film’s director develops a fantasy-action film creating a contrast between western extremists and traditional Chinese fighters. Ciecko (2010) says that unlike Jia’s film, ‘Journey to the West’ incorporates significant use of imagery and classical dialog in enhancing development of an fantasy filled movie, with typical crew members representing traditional Chinese art. On the contrary, Jia adopts local actors to play defined roles in showing interactions between Western world and Chinese cultures. Therefore, there is a pronounced similarity between thematic construction of ‘The World’ and that of ‘Journey to the West’. ... ‘Journey to the West’ entails depiction of Chu demonstrating his martial art skills in elaborately traditional Chinese stages. In this movie, cultural designs remain conspicuous in the attire and infrastructural development of Kung-fu stages used in fights. In addition, Huen demonstrates his exceptional ability to blend tragedy and comedy into the movie. In this context, ‘Journey to the West’ film contains some similarities with one of the East Asian movie watched in class. The movie, ‘The World’, captures most of its key scenes within Beijing’s World Park. This park lies squarely inside China’s mainland. Despite this fact, infrastructure development inside the park seeks to create an environment different from that of actual Chinese environment. The main aim of the unique constructions inside the park is meant to create an environment, where tourists would be able to view representation of the world inside a single tourist attract ion site. Ciecko (2010) says that the park’s entrance bares structures resembling typical Roman castles and Gothic sculptures. In addition, gardens inside the left side of the main entrance depict symbolic Italian landscape in terms of terrain and the grand staircase. Apart from these features at the entrance, the world’s perception in enhanced by presence of typical landmark features located in different nations around the globe. Within the movie, ‘Journey to the West’, one main actor named Xuan Zang seems to develop significant interest in the structural and physical appearances of infrastructure within the extremists warehouse facility. Commander Steward, the leader of the extremist group runs into Xuan admiring the city view from

Friday, October 4, 2019

Managing physical resources Essay Example for Free

Managing physical resources Essay Within this task I am going to produce data that is going to be included in a job information pack, as part of an advertisement campaign for a new post with a company that my supervisor has asked to to work on. The main factor that I am going to include is: Â  The key features of legislation, including Health and Safety, which effects the management of resources. It is important for employers to be aware that they have a responsibility for the health and safety of their employees. They are also responsible for any visitors to their premises such as customers, suppliers and and general public. Employers can help ensure of the health and safety of these people through conducting a risk assessment. A risk assessment can be defined as identifying a potential risk. Employers have a duty of care to ensure as much as possible of the health and safety of people involved with the business. Often an employer will appoint specific person to deal with risk assessments within the business that is trained within health and safety. This is highly recommended for a business to use as it is known to significantly decrease the risk of problems regarding health and safety within a company. This is because by analysing and then identifying potential risks, then strategies can be used in order to combat these potential risks so as an employer completes their duty of care for the people involved in the business. There are many factors that a company must take into account when opening there business so that they maintain their responsibility of ensuring the health and safety of people involved in the business. The first issue that I will look at is when a business is employing five or more people. In this case the business would have to have an official record of what the assessment consists of, meaning that that the employer would have to have certain plans in order to deal with potential risks. As well as this, there must also be a formal health and safety policy, which also includes arrangements to protect the health and safety of the employee. Health and Safety at Work Act The next issue I am going to focus on is the employers duty of care in practice. It is imperative that all employers, despite the size of their company ensure of certain factors, and examples of of these factors are shown below: Ensuring the workplace is safe. Â  Provide adequate first aid facilities. Â  Have emergency plans for potential risks. Firstly, employers should prevent the risks of injury within the workplace as much as possible. Following this, if an injury was to occur then there should be first aid facilities than can deal with the problem effectively. Finally, if an injury was to occur then the employer should have emergency plans so that it can be dealt with to the highest standard so as the person involved is treated in the most effective way possible. In order for the workplace to be safe and healthy, an employer should:Â  Light premises so that employees can work and move safety. Â  Ensure that employees are their necessary work break. Â  Store items so they are unlikely to cause an injury. These are some examples above of what an employer is expected to ensure of in the workplace for the health and safety of people involved with the company. Firstly, the premises should be at the correct light so as people an see what they are doing and the chance of an injury will therefore be decreased. The employers must also ensure that their employees have the adequate time break so that they are able to operate effectively, on both a person and business level. A hazard that is often a cause of injury within a workplace is when items are not stored correctly and when to storage cupboard is opened it falls, causing an injury. This is therefore vital for the employers to ensure that employees are able to store items correctly to prevent injury. The rights of an employee within the workplace with regards to health and safety are shown below. Â  To have any risks to your health and safety properly controlled by your employer. Â  To be provided, free of charge, any personal protective and safety equipment If there are reasonable concerns about your safety, to stop work and leave your work area, without being disciplined. To tell your employer about any health and safety concerns you have. COSHH This is a law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health. This meaning of this law is shown below. C ONTROL O F S UBSTANCES H AZADOUS H EALTH An employer will be able to prevent employees exposure to these substances by: Â  Identifying the health hazards. Â  Creating a risk assessment. Â  Provide training to employees to understand these substances. Provide training to employees so they know how to deal with an accident involving these substances. Â  Planning for emergencies. There are often chemicals and substances within a workplace that are hazardous to employees healthy, and through using COSHH then the chance of employees having an injury that is related to chemicals or substances in the workplace is significantly reduced. This is on the assumption that the employer takes into consideration the points stated above. Most businesses use substances, or products that are mixtures of substances. Some create substances that could cause harm to employees and people within the workplace. Sometimes substances are easily recognised as harmful such as paint, bleach or dust from natural materials may also be harmful. The company itself would be responsible for carrying out the procedure above and any equipment necessary to ensure the employees and people within the workplace are not effected by hazardous substances. The necessary equipment needed to ensure this will also need to be maintained by the company itself. Fire Precaution Act 1971 This legislation deals with factors including: * The detection process and giving a warning in case of a fire. Â  The process of escape from the danger. * The way to fight and combat a fire. The training of staff with regards to fire safety. This legislation focusses on safety within the workplace with regards to the chance of a fire. This is designed to ensure that employees are able to prevent a fire occurring as much as possible. However, in the case of a fire employees would be able to deal with it effectively so as the safety of people involved are ensured. The first point looks at the importance of being able to identify that there is in fact a fire within the premises. This can be done through having adequate and effective fire and smoke alarms located thoroughly throughout the workplace. If a fire is identified then people within the workplace will need to know the process of escaping to safety. This can be done by having fire exists in the workplace, with employees of the company taking control of the situation and ensuring people within the premises are re-assured and are guided step by step to safety. In some cases there will need to be staff trained that are trained in being able to combat a fire whilst emergency services on on route to the premises. This can be done with effective training in fire extinguishers and necessary equipment used to combat a fire. As it is the resource managers responsibility to deal with the safety of employees and customers, then it will consequently have an effect on them. For example, they will have to send staff on training courses regarding fire safety which will be at a cost. However, this training is a necessity and will be needed by the company. As well as this, there will be changes in equipment such as more modern and effective fire extinguishers. Therefore, further training with regards to this be needed to be carried out by the resource manager to ensure that certain employees can use these pieces equipment effectively in the event of a fire. Employees may have to go on training courses mean that they will not be able to work whilst this training is being carried out. This training could be off the job and could be at a different premises to their workplace and therefore these employees need to be willing to commit to this so as the training on new equipment can be complete. This equipment would be the responsibility of the company who is providing the training to another company to make sure it is in the appropriate condition so that the safety of trainees is ensured. The Control of Noise at Work Regulation 1989 This legislation came into force for all industry sectors in Great Britain on 6th April 2006. The aim of this legislation is to ensure that employees hearing is protected from excessive noise in the workplace, which has the possibility of damaging their hearing or can be a cause of tinnitus. The level at which employers must provide hearing protection is 85 decibels, on the means that it is a daily or weekly average exposure. Employers must access the situation regarding this legislation and where it is necessary, ensure that: Hearing protection is provided and used. Â  They provide information, training and health surveillance where it is needed. Certain factors can be used to judge whether there is a problem with noise in a workplace. These factors are shown below: Â  Whether employees have to raise their voice to carry out a normal conversation from about two metres apart. Â  Whether employees use noisy powered tools or machinery for more than half an hour a day. Â  If there are noises due to impacts, such as hammering. The purpose of this act is to ensure of the health and safety of people within a business in regards to the noise in the workplace. The resource manager will have to purchase the necessary equipment to measure to decibel level in the premises so that the right precautions can be carried out if they do in fact reach a certain level. For example, if the noise in the workplace does exceed 85 decibels then it means that the resource manager will have to purchase the necessary equipment to ensure that the hearing safety of people with the premises are ensured. Equipment that would usually be used are ear plugs, which primarily cut out exterior noise pollution, and allow the person to hear people from a close range. Conclusion In summary, a resource manager will have to take into account certain legislations and factors so that the health and safety of people involved within a company, such as employees and customers are ensured. This may mean that they will have to purchase equipment and use training to have be able to do so.